Ellow Talent
Hire vetted remote talent you can trust
Second Floor, Geo Infopark Infopark Campus, Kakkanad, Kochi, 682043, India
Ellow Talent Overview
Number of Employees
50 - 99
Minimal Budget
$1,000 - $10,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
A worldwide marketplace for talent that links businesses with candidates who have already been screened. Elow.io is an all-in-one solution for recruiting, monitoring, and administration of remote personnel that is powered by artificial intelligence. ellow lets you speed up the process of recruiting remote workers by providing access to a pool of qualified candidates all around the world.
ellow.io is a worldwide talent marketplace that links businesses with qualified individuals who have already been screened. Elow.io is an all-in-one solution for recruiting, monitoring, and administration of remote personnel that is powered by artificial intelligence. ellow lets you speed up the process of employing remote workers by providing access to a "High-Quality" and "Global" labor pool.
ellow.io is a worldwide talent marketplace that links businesses with qualified individuals who have already been screened. Elow.io is an all-in-one solution for recruiting, monitoring, and administration of remote personnel that is powered by artificial intelligence. ellow lets you speed up the process of employing remote workers by providing access to a "High-Quality" and "Global" labor pool.
Ellow Talent Services
Ellow Talent Clients
- Polkadex
- RCG Global Services
- 3DNS solutions