Slack and Company
The shortest distance from b to b
233 N Michigan Avenue, 30th Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60601, United States
Slack and Company Overview
Number of Employees
50 - 99
Minimal Budget
Under $1,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Some b2b agencies focus on brand, others on demand. Slack and Company understands you need a balance of both because brand creates credibility that enables demand. We apply deep b2b experience to deliver the right balance of brand and demand content your buyers need to move confidently through their purchase process, giving you more predictable results and measurable business growth.
Slack and Company Services
Areas of Expertise
- Digital Marketing Expertise
Digital Marketing Expertise
Digital Marketing Expertise
- Integrated Marketing
Slack and Company Clients
- Ingredion
- Society of Actuaries
- Amcor
- Crowe
- Comcast Business
- LG
- Midwest Composite Technologies
- Herman Miller