Very Vivid
Get ready to transform your Digital Marketing
Moorgate St, Blackburn, BB2 4EZ, United Kingdom
Very Vivid Overview
Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Under $1,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
What is it we do? Put in simple terms, we use our skills and techniques to help bring your marketing to life! From Branding right through to web development and social media management, we truly do cover all your digital marketing needs.
Very Vivid Services
Areas of Expertise
- Branding Expertise
- CMS Platforms
- Site Builders
- Web Design Expertise
Branding Expertise
Branding Expertise
- B2B Branding
- Product Marketing
CMS Platforms
CMS Platforms
- WordPress
Site Builders
Site Builders
- Wix Web Design
Web Design Expertise
Web Design Expertise
- eCommerce
- Boutique
- Fashion
- Food and Beverage
- Beer
- Restaurants
Client Types
- Enterprise / Corporate
- Small Businesses
Very Vivid Portfolio
- Logo DesignOutsourced Back Office
Very Vivid Team Bios
- Kirsty ElmerDirectorOwner of Very Vivid Digital Marketing
Very Vivid Clients
- Delilah Chloe
- Square Peg
- JJW Accountants
- EvolveODM
- SymClean