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- App designed by Eric Kalungi
- 61
Article by Mladen Milosevic
Last Updated: November 15, 2024
Standout Features:
- Clean and minimal
- Filtering meters
- Accents the pets through photos
Another representative of the best animal rescue apps and websites comes from Eric Kalungi. The designer’s work on the BOOW app delivers a fast-paced, efficiency-oriented design with a modern look.
The design features a clean white background with eye-catching purple on all buttons, navigation, and filters. This way, the pets’ colorful photography breaks the monotony, grabs your attention, and redirects the focus on the pets.
Its standout feature is the filtering meters that easily allow you to search for your ideal pet!
Check out more app designs with standout features.
Get a chance to become the next Design Award winner.
SUBMIT YOUR DESIGN- App designed by Eric Kalungi
- 61
- Tags:Animal Rescue
Content Specialist
Mladen Milosevic’s passion for all forms of art fuels his ability to create content that seamlessly blends creativity with informative depth. With five years of experience in content creation and copywriting, his close collaboration with a design team as an editor for private school websites in Serbia has sharpened his keen sense for design. His artistic insight is a valuable asset in crafting engaging textual content that captures the essence of various design types. Mladen now channels this expertise into writing insightful articles on logo, print, and packaging designs for DesignRush.
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