How to Develop an IT Strategy?

IT Services
How to Develop an IT Strategy?
Article by Sumana Ganguly
Last Updated: March 14, 2023

When it comes to your company's future and how technology can help or hinder day-to-day operations, it pays to be proactive with an IT strategy. 

An IT strategy allows business leaders to move their focus from dealing with technology issues and challenges to focusing on strategic initiatives and outcomes. 

IT projects no longer need to be executed on an ad hoc basis but should instead be well-thought-out initiatives with a perspective over the longer term. 

This guide will help you create the best IT strategy that’s cohesive and compelling while also actionable. 

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What Is an IT Strategy?

An IT strategy is a document that outlines your company's technological infrastructure and capabilities. It’s a high-level framework that helps you organize your company’s IT processes and resources. 

Your information technology business strategy is a vital component of your IT capability, as it lays out what you have, where you’re going, and how you plan to get there. 

10 Essential IT Strategy Components

In the digital era, a personalized IT strategy that fits company needs is often deciding factor for successful business management and organization.  

Since technology is ever-evolving, organizations must move beyond traditional IT planning approaches. They need a strategic IT roadmap aligned with their business goals to keep up with the changes. These 10 IT strategy components will play a significant role in achieving those objectives and leveling up the business game. 

1. Vision and Goals

If you don't know where you want to go, it's the same as what road you will take. That is why the first component of any digital or traditional strategy is defining business goals and visions for the future. That way, the company will establish the direction and purpose of IT initiatives and ensure that the IT strategy aligns with the broader business strategy and objectives.  

An effective vision statement should be inspiring and future-oriented, outlining the desired state of the organization's IT function in the long run. Goals, on the other hand, should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). They should define the organization's expected outcomes from its IT investments and activities. 

2. IT Strategy Roadmap

The second component of an IT strategy is a roadmap. A roadmap will visually represent the organization's IT initiatives over a certain period, typically 3 to 5 years. It will outline projects, deadlines, available resources and dependencies required to achieve IT strategy goals. 

The IT roadmap serves as a planning tool that enables organizations to track progress, adjust priorities and make informed decisions about resource allocation. A well-designed roadmap aligns IT initiatives with business priorities, ensures that IT projects are delivered on time and within budget, and helps manage risks and dependencies. 

3. IT Business Process Alignment

IT must be closely integrated with business processes to support and improve them. This involves analyzing business processes, identifying areas for improvement and developing IT solutions that align with those processes. 

Aligning IT with business processes requires collaboration between business and IT stakeholders. It involves understanding business needs and requirements and designing and implementing IT solutions that meet them.  

Effective IT-business process alignment can result in increased efficiency, reduced costs, improved customer satisfaction and enhanced competitiveness. 

4. Budget and Financial Planning

IT strategy requires financial resources. Therefore, planning and managing the IT budget is essential to ensure that IT investments align with business priorities and deliver value.  

Budget and financial planning involve estimating the costs of IT services and allocating financial resources accordingly. It also involves monitoring and managing the IT budget to ensure that IT initiatives are delivered on time and within budget. 

Financial planning helps organizations to optimize IT investments, reduce costs and improve financial performance by managing risks effectively. 

5. IT Resource Allocation

Resource allocation involves determining the resources required to support IT initiatives, such as necessary equipment (hardware and software) and personnel.  

Effective IT resource allocation is an essential component of IT strategy, helping organizations optimize investments, reduce costs and improve performance. Resource allocation requires careful planning, based on IT's impact on business objectives and success, to ensure that IT resources are used effectively and efficiently.  

6. IT Staffing and Skills Development

Every company needs professional personnel to support its business goals. There is no difference in the aIT sector either. Employing competent people and training them to be up to date with the latest IT innovations and possess the most recent information and abilities will boost chances for business success.  

Organizations may improve IT service delivery, make the most of their IT investments and ensure that IT efforts align with their overall corporate goals with the support of effective personnel and skills development. It also lets firms successfully adapt to evolving business requirements and technological developments. Collaborating with specialized IT services firms can further enhance your in-house skills and technology acumen.

7. IT Governance

Another essential component of IT strategy is IT governance which refers to processes and structures that ensure that IT investments and initiatives are aligned with business objectives, comply with regulatory requirements and are managed effectively.  

It also involves implementing effective risk management practices and ensuring that IT investments deliver measurable value to the organization. 

8. Security and Risk Management

Security and risk management is a crucial component of IT strategy that focuses on protecting an organization's IT systems and data from cyber threats, data breaches and other security risks. It identifies potential threats and vulnerabilities, implements appropriate security measures and develops disaster response plans to ensure a timely and effective response in case of security accidents. 

Adequate security and risk management can help organizations protect their IT assets, reduce the risk of data breaches, and maintain customer and stakeholder trust. It also enables businesses to comply with regulatory requirements and standards related to IT security. 

9. Constant Assessment

With the fast and constant changes in technology and business, organizations can easily deviate from their planned roadmap. Continuous assessment, as a component of IT strategy, can prevent this problem. It enables organizations to evaluate their current position and make necessary adjustments to keep them aligned with their roadmap. 

10. Keeping a Competitive Advantage

Identifying what an organization does better comparing to competitors is another essential component of a successful IT strategy. By recognizing its strengths, an organization can allocate resources to develop and maintain its competitive edge. 

An effective IT strategy should include a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape, including the strengths and weaknesses of key competitors. This information helps an organization understand what sets it apart and enables it to prioritize investments in areas that provide the most significant competitive advantage. 

7 Tips for Developing the Best IT Business Strategy 

Information technology, or IT, plays an essential role in almost every business today. 

However, many companies struggle to determine the best way to integrate and use technology to support their goals. There are numerous ways to approach this problem, so it can be challenging to find the best one for your business. 

67% of strategies failed because of poor execution. Avoid this by following these five tips for the IT strategy development process. 

1. Understand your Business Goals 

The first step is to clearly define what you want to achieve with the new technology and how it will contribute to the organization's overall success. Be clear about what it is you’re trying to achieve. 

Know your goals and objectives before determining how technology will help you achieve them. 

The why behind a new initiative is always more important than just going through the motions. The most valuable tool here is a simple list of questions: 

  • Where do you want to be in three years? 
  • What measurable outcomes are required to achieve that goal? 
  • What’s stopping you from achieving those outcomes now? 

Many business owners don’t ask these questions, which is why many fail. If you have specific objectives and measurable outcomes, everything else about your IT strategy will fall into place. 

Defining specific objectives and measurable outcomes will help you set realistic expectations for what can be achieved through a strategic IT investment. 

2. Understand your Business Processes 

An effective IT strategy must consider how every aspect of a company functions—and how technology can enhance each one of those functions. 

By identifying all key processes, you’ll be able to pinpoint areas where improvements are needed and create solutions that align with both short-term goals and long-term ones (such as expansion or growth). 

3. Identify Your Requirements 

Determine your business requirements, constraints, and challenges to determine what technology solutions would work best for each process identified above. 

This includes keeping an eye out for potential risks that could result from implementing technologies like artificial intelligence or blockchain that may not yet have been proven effective within specific industries/markets (or at all). 

For example: “We need this software system quickly because our competitors are getting ahead.” Or “Our industry has too many regulations preventing us from getting started immediately.” 

4. Create Roadmaps 

Develop roadmaps or timelines for each stage in this process so that everyone knows where they are headed at all times, which helps prevent confusion or miscommunication along the way (which could cost precious time). 

The IT Strategy Roadmap is also an opportunity to gain insights into what capabilities can be implemented to form the basis for new business models. 

Are there any opportunities to leverage cloud-based services? Can third parties be engaged in areas that offer expertise or cost advantages over internal resources? 

5. Consider Current Technology Solutions 

Once you have defined your problem and set goals for your IT strategy, it’s time to look at how technology can help with those issues. 

Many business leaders are looking hard at how technology can help them with specific tasks, but very few look at how information technology can change their business. 

For instance, introducing new technologies into your organization may require you to rethink everything from hiring decisions to company structure. 

As you consider new technologies like cloud computing or mobile technology, ask yourself: 

  • How can we implement these things in a way that keeps us relevant? 
  • What risks do they pose? 
  • How will they affect our current processes and customers? 
  • Would we need to re-train staff or hire new ones? 

These questions will help you determine whether it’s worth investing in particular technologies. 

6. Evaluate Future Technologies 

For starters, it’s important to decide whether you want to try and be innovative or if you want to use future technologies as they come. 

In other words, do you want to create something new that doesn’t yet exist or just wait until something exists and implement it? 

Creating something new requires a lot of effort and sometimes involves finding ways to improve things. 

Implementing existing technologies doesn’t require an in-depth analysis, but it can take extra time because we still have to update our systems later. 

Many factors play into what information technology strategy is best for your business, but understanding how new technologies will affect your industry is always a good place to start. 

7. Create an Implementation Plan 

Once you’ve developed your IT strategy, it’s time to implement it. Studies show that 50% of leaders agree that implementation is equally important as strategizing. 

You’ll need to get all departments on board with your plan and create an implementation plan outlining specific milestones and responsibilities over a designated period. 

Even if your goals are set in stone, be prepared to adapt. Things change in business, and so should your plans. According to, 98% of business leaders believe implementation takes more time than formulation; so be adaptable. 

One year from now is an eternity in business—make sure that by then, you’re on track with what your business needs and where it needs to go. Implement changes along the way as needed; don’t wait until next year! 

5 Benefits of IT Strategy

An information technology strategy can be a costly investment. You need to ensure that your business has access to the latest technological advancements when needed so it doesn’t become obsolete overnight. 

It’s well worth the cost to ensure your organization is equipped to keep up with the latest technologies. The most prominent benefits of IT strategy will explain why: 

1. Helps Identify Risks 

An effective IT strategy can help businesses identify and avoid (or at least reduce) potential risks that could harm their operations.  

An IT strategy can help identify areas vulnerable to cyber-attacks, data breaches or other security threats by conducting a comprehensive review of the organization's existing technology infrastructure and processes.

Additionally, an IT strategy can identify and improve gaps in the company's IT systems, for example, outdated hardware or software that may endanger business operations. 

By addressing these risks and implementing appropriate security measures, businesses can better protect their assets, data and reputation and ensure that their technology infrastructure is aligned with their overall business objectives. 

2. Increases Security

IT strategy is improving the overall security of the entire organization.  

By identifying potential gaps in the existing network infrastructure and other security risks, an IT strategy can determine appropriate security measures to minimize the risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks. Security measures include implementing firewalls, encryption, intrusion detection systems or access controls.  

Additionally, an IT strategy includes organizing employee security training to educate them on best practices for keeping the organization's network secure.

By following these recommendations, an organization can improve its IT security and reduce the possibility of incidents, protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of critical business data. 

3. Enhances Competitive Advantage

An IT strategy is a plan for how a company can best use technology to achieve its goals. A company with an effective IT strategy can gain a competitive advantage because it can use technology more efficiently, effectively and innovatively. Improved use of technology can lead to reduced costs, increased productivity, improved customer satisfaction and better financial planning.  

Additionally, an IT strategy can help a company adapt quickly to changing business environments and facilitate change implementation to lower the risk and maximize benefits.  

All in all, an effective IT strategy can help businesses stay ahead of their competitors and succeed in today's ever-evolving digital landscape. 

4. Improves Financial Planning

IT strategy can improve financial planning, leading to better cost control and risk management, making the company financially stable and well-prepared to meet the demands of the marketplace. 

By identifying which technology is critical to the business and which isn't and can be removed or replaced, companies can allocate their spending and focus on investments that provide the have the greatest return on investment (ROI). A clear picture of necessities helps ensure that resources are shared efficiently and effectively and that the business is not investing in unnecessary technology. 

IT strategy can also improve financial planning. Companies can better plan their future IT expenses by clearly understanding the technology roadmap (and the costs it includes). This can include budgets for future upgrades, new technology purchases and maintenance and support costs.  

5. Facilitates Change Implementation

IT strategy can help companies quickly adapt to changing business environments. By having a clear understanding of the technology and the associated risks and opportunities, companies can quickly identify and respond to new opportunities or threats. 

IT strategy also minimizes the risks associated with technology changes. By identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities, companies can take proactive steps to avoid or reduce these risks and ensure an easygoing transition to new technology.

Transition can include employee training, implementing security measures and ensuring that all stakeholders are fully informed and prepared for the change. 

By helping embrace the change, IT strategy can also boost competitive advantage by encouraging the use of new technology, which can unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation (such as artificial intelligence, blockchain or the internet of things). 

IT Strategy: Final Thoughts 

An effective IT strategy is key to delivering a business’ long-term vision and achieving success, from software development companies to web design ones. An IT strategy should also be robust enough to handle any project or initiative within the company while ensuring that they all align with one another. 

The future of your business is in your hands. You can take action today to have a successful IT strategy that will help you grow and thrive. 

Outsourcing the services of some of best IT services companies and IT outsourcing companies can help you with this. 

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