Discover the top UI/UX design agencies in Boise that excel in creating engaging, innovative, and user-centric interfaces that foster brand loyalty and trust. You can narrow down your search according to budget, reviews, hourly rate, and team size to find the ideal agency for your project.

Best Boise UI/UX Design Company Rankings

12 Companies
Rankings updated: January 17, 2025
  • Drake Cooper

    Building Brands for the Ambitious.
    Drake Cooper builds brands for the ambitious. We are inventive, Northwest rooted, full-service, and 100% Employee-Owned, with offices in Boise, Idaho and Seattle, Washington.  [... view the full profile of Drake Cooper]
    Boise, Idaho
    50 - 99 Inquire Inquire
  • Bixa

    Discovering New Opportunities.
    Bixa provides valuable customer research and audience insights to support your company's crucial business decisions. Contact us to know more!  [... view the full profile of Bixa]
    Boise, Idaho
    Under 49 $200/hr $25,000 - $50,000
  • 116 & West

    Where Creative Thinking meets Analytical Power.
    Passion and expertise united at 116 & West. We're an agency with a rich history, blending practicality and visionary brilliance since 1998. With the heart of a creative and the head of an operator, we  [... view the full profile of 116 & West]
    Boise, Idaho
    Under 49 Inquire Inquire
  • Creating Margin

    Embrace the Extra Space.
    We provide technology and services for digital signage and workplace management, offering full content services for networks of all sizes. Partner with us for a seamless technology rollout  [... view the full profile of Creating Margin]
    Boise, Idaho
    Under 49 $199/hr $1,000 - $10,000

    Authentic Creativity Unveiled.
    Our multi-disciplined creative team combines practical strategies with meaningful creative solutions. With seasoned insight and a broad perspective, we see the big picture and amplify potential in any  [... view the full profile of SOVRN]
    Boise, Idaho
    Under 49 Inquire Inquire
  • C308 Marketing

    Design and Market with Glee.
    With a solid corporate marketing background, robust website development, and expertise in online media, we offer a joyful approach to helping clients across industries achieve a strong ROI.  [... view the full profile of C308 Marketing]
    Boise, Idaho
    Under 49 Inquire Inquire
  • Valitics

    Valitics is a digital marketing agency in Boise, Idaho. They provide customized web design, development and digital marketing services to organizations of all shapes and sizes.   [... view the full profile of Valitics]
    Boise, Idaho
    Under 49 $100/hr Inquire
  • Ventive

    We build custom solutions that innovatively solve problems.
    Ventive is a dynamic digital product and smart contract development company founded in Boise, Idaho in 2014, that solves problems by building custom solutions and partnering with innovators across  [... view the full profile of Ventive]
    Boise, Idaho
    Under 49 $170/hr $25,000 - $50,000
  • SmashBrand

    Data-Driven Designs, Delivering Distinctive Brands.
    SmashBrand, a brand growth and packaging design specialist, has driven success for numerous retail brands in various sectors through a unique, data-driven methodology. We utilize a proprietary process  [... view the full profile of SmashBrand]
    Boise, Idaho
    Under 49 $150/hr $25,000 - $50,000
  • Key Design Websites of Boise, Idaho builds custom websites that market your business effectively.  [... view the full profile of Key Design Websites]
    Boise, Idaho
    Under 49 Inquire $1,000 - $10,000
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  • QualityLogic

    Helping you release great, amazing products!
    QualityLogic is a US-based software and QA testing company with over 35 years of experience. It has successfully completed more than 6,000 programs with a team of over 200 QA engineers and QA test  [... view the full profile of QualityLogic]
    Boise, Idaho
    100 - 249 Inquire Inquire
  • Metapixel

    Metapixel is a boutique digital agency located in Boise, Idaho.
    Metapixel is a boutique web design, app development and digital marketing agency located in Boise, Idaho. Metapixel specializes in Wordpress web design, hybrid app design, and white-hat digital  [... view the full profile of Metapixel]
    Boise, Idaho
    Under 49 $70/hr $1,000 - $10,000
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About The Author and Expert Reviewer
Former Content Specialist
Maria Martin worked at NicheStack, LeadsMarket, and Blueberry Digital Labs before joining the team at DesignRush. Her experience in content editing and website management allowed her to craft engaging and informative articles about websites, apps, and other technologies.
Branko Dimitrijević is a multifaceted creative and a recipient of 33 design awards. Throughout his 12-year career, he has delivered over 165 web design projects, showcasing his expertise in website optimization, UI/UX design, logo design, and video animation. He is now dedicating his talent and skills to being one of the creative geniuses at DesignRush.