UX Checklist for Interface Designers

User Experience
UX Checklist for Interface Designers
Article by Maria Martin
Last Updated: December 30, 2023

A UX checklist helps your design team streamline workflow, improve collaboration, maintain design consistency, and identify continuity and usability issues. It can also reduce errors while boosting functionality and fidelity.

Addressing problems on a live app or website may cost up to 100 times more and potentially put a dent on your budget. And using a UX process checklist can save you unwarranted expenses.

UX Design Checklist

Your design and development teams should have an agreed set of UX criteria that meets all your application and website UX requirements. These criteria are decisive factors based on UX research. They will make up your user experience checklist against which each release needs to be measured.

At the minimum, your UX process checklist should cover these areas:

  • Usability
  • Visual design
  • Accessibility
  • Interface
  • Interaction
  • Content
  • Conversion

In the following sections, you will find UX checklists for these specific elements:

  • Landing page design
  • Navigation design
  • Button design
  • eCommerce design
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UX Checklist for Landing Page Design

A landing page is an excellent lead generation tool that aims to:

  • Provide online users with brand information needed for their buying decision.
  • Present a clear sequence of actions for customers to take.

Although the final layout of your landing page will depend on your niche, industry, and products or services, you can use this UX design checklist to improve your target consumers’ landing page experience.

These are the three critical factors for enhanced landing page usability and conversion:

  • Clarity
  • Motivation
  • Obstacles

Each is further explained in the next segments so you can see if your landing page matches up consistently.


Before a potential client takes action, they want to know more about your brand and what it has to offer. An easy-to-understand landing page provides comprehensible and digestible details.

Achieve the goals of your site or application and make sales by creating a successful landing page that:

  • Vividly conveys your unique selling propositions.
  • Immediately communicates to visitors what is in it for them when they buy your products or subscribe to your services.
  • States how prospective clients should act.
  • Lays out accurate, objective, concise, and complete information that is quick and convenient to scan.
  • Itemizes supporting details through bulleted lists that are easy for readers to recall.
  • Contains catchy and relevant headlines with consistent messaging.
  • Incorporates the main benefits of your product and service offers into subheadings.
  • Uses simple and direct language.
  • Makes a lasting impression and imparts a professional feel, showcasing how your enterprise is a trustworthy thought-leader in your industry.
  • Has a robust visual hierarchy established through proper choice of color palette, text sizes, and placement, plus high-quality images and videos.


Influence users’ purchasing decision and convince them to act now through irresistible motivators or incentives. Integrate these techniques into your value proposition:

  • Focus on your audiences instead of your products.
  • Speak a language that resonates best with them.
  • Make your campaigns about how much value consumers can gain from buying your brand.
  • Find the balance between educating users on product features and specs, and emphasizing the benefits.
  • Create a sense of urgency through time-sensitive offers.
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Obstacles can range from weak messaging to technical issues. These are friction points that may cause a prospective customer to hesitate before conversion.

Here are the ways to spot and address possible problems and fix bugs before releasing your final output:

  • Keep the layout simple and familiar.
  • Align your headline with the website content.
  • Ensure your calls-to-action (CTAs) match the value you offer.
  • Use contextually relevant videos and images.
  • Test the responsiveness and compatibility of your web pages across multiple platforms and browsers on all devices.
  • Conduct a thorough QA and walkthrough of every page to identify technical problems.
  • Simplify forms using intuitive value attributes and easy-to-understand labels.
  • Be transparent and leave no question unanswered, especially in terms of warranty, return policies, payment security, and data safety.
  • Avoid distracting elements, such as automatic sliders and blinking banners.
  • Use contrasting backgrounds and text colors.
  • Increase the size of clickable components.
  • Enable high-definition pixel magnification of images.
  • Add accurate transcripts and captions to video and audio content.
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Navigation UX Design Checklist

Convenient navigation is essential to seamless usability and increased engagement rate. For 38% of visitors, easy navigation and the page layout are their first considerations when checking out a website.

Online users prefer to find what they need on your business pages quickly and easily, with a minimal number of clicks.

Regardless of how innovative or visually appealing your web pages are, user-friendliness, familiarity, and high prototypicality outweigh these secondary website attributes. Ultimately, an unclear and cluttered navigation structure contributes to a high bounce rate.

Effective navigation should help you:

  • Get as many clicks per page and listing as possible.
  • Drive larger organic traffic.
  • Boost your brand’s credibility.

Tick off this user experience checklist for navigation to accomplish the abovementioned:

  • Leverage a common nav structure or a combination of structures.
  • Use a readily visible top or main header format for primary navigation.
  • Make the sub-navigation appear less prominent than the main navigation to distinguish the two.
  • Utilize a side nav, i.e., the vertical structure along the right side of your website, to support trouble-free scrolling.
  • Organize the visual hierarchy using breadcrumbs. This way, site visitors do not have to keep relying on the “Back” button and end up getting lost in the navigation progress.
  • Stylize CTAs, like “Shop now” and “Subscribe,” as buttons for emphasis.

User Experience Checklist for Button Design

Buttons are actionable touchpoints through which audiences can engage with your website content.

Guarantee an optimistic user experience with clickable buttons and tappable icons on your application or website. Here is a UX checklist guide to help you decide which types of buttons will be most fitting for your site and branding:

  • Use solid buttons to redirect customers to high-priority action items.
  • Employ ghost or line buttons to differentiate secondary action items and other page content.
  • Utilize floating action buttons (FABs) to point visitors to single-step action items.
  • Apply a different color, typically blue, for text links and make them pop using an underline.
  • Check for consistency of button sizing.
  • Use your brand colors for specialized buttons.

These are additional tips you can note:

  • Round-edged buttons convey openness and simplicity.
  • Hard-edged buttons communicate formality and uniformity.
  • Pill-shaped buttons indicate that they are collapsible.

UX Process Checklist for eCommerce Design

Your eCommerce website helps you widen your target market. It is a platform where you can prove your brand’s value, quality, and credibility to consumers, setting you apart from the competition in the digital landscape.

Ramp up your chances of winning in this competitive marketplace. Review and scratch off the items in the following UX checklist to optimize your eCommerce site experience:

  • Create a design experience that lets consumers find what they are looking for without hassle.
  • Give your site visitors adequate information on your products or services to help them in their purchasing decision.
  • Provide various search, filtering, and sorting options on your listings. This will allow clients to focus on the items they care about and need.
  • Upload high-resolution imagery. If you can, make a 360-degree product photo view available. It can boost online sales by 14% and provide shoppers with 17% more satisfying user experience.
  • Leverage social proof—reviews, feedback, ratings, social shares, tags and mentions, client photos and authentic stories, and publication features—to underscore brand authority.
  • Have a dedicated page for FAQs and how-to guides where you provide exhaustive answers with screenshots and other helpful tips.
  • Minimize the steps to complete an order placement. This maximizes speed and prioritizes convenience. Unnecessary processes may drive a buyer away and make you lose a conversion.
  • Allow checkout as guest without the need for account creation.

Key Takeaways on UX Checklist for Product Consistency and Quality

The success of a business application or website will depend on how it meets the expectations of your target customer base. Ensuring that adequate time, effort, and skills go into the research, design, and development process can guarantee a high level of product quality.

Having a UX checklist your team can refer to in every phase of the development cycle is fundamental in working toward your agreed user experience standards.

A UX design checklist is a time- and labor-saving tool that provides direction to your team. This user experience checklist prompts them to work in harmony. You promote a sense of accountability that is tied to a set of UX guidelines.

Taking into account the key branding elements, accessibility, and other usability criteria, your UX process checklist is an excellent starting point for achieving UX requirements.

UX Checklist FAQs

What is a UX checklist?

A UX (User Experience) checklist is a structured list of criteria and best practices used to evaluate and ensure the effectiveness, accessibility, and overall quality of a website or digital product from the user's perspective. It covers aspects such as navigation, content layout, responsiveness, accessibility, and other elements that contribute to a positive user experience.

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