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- App designed by Indeema Software
- 151
Standout Features:
- Cloud-connected
- Intuitive UI
- Notification system
Indeema Software's app design for UBreez provides an innovative and user-friendly solution for monitoring air quality.
The app is connected through the cloud with the UBox device, deviating from traditional air quality monitoring methods that rely on stationary stations. This allows users to monitor air quality at every moment regardless of location.
Additionally, Indeema Software has prioritized a user-centric design approach, crafting an intuitive and user-friendly interface that emphasizes simplicity. The sleek design ensures a consistent and pleasant experience across all screens.
Lastly, the UBreez app has a real-time notification system that keeps users informed about air quality levels as they change. This alert feature enhances the app’s functionality, making it a critical tool for users who want to stay informed all the time.
- App designed by Indeema Software
- 151
- Industries:Technology