Opéra de Saint-Étienne Clean Print Design

Graphéine was commissioned to work on the new identity of the Saint-Étienne Opera House. With more than 150 curtain lifts for around 60 performances throughout the course of an average year, the Saint-Étienne Opera House is a landmark of great cultural importance, and naturally, they want print designs to reflect that.

The objective was to re-establish a sense of closeness with the people of Saint-Étienne through simple and straightforward communication. The name “Opera-Theatre” was changed in favor of “Saint-Étienne Opera” to reflect an image of a traditional Opera House for its aficionados, but also to draw in potential patrons.

Opéra de Saint-Étienne Colorful Print Design

The typography used in the logo and throughout the printed material is created to represent the intimate link between music and dance. For that reason, even the tiniest of details were taken into deep consideration. For example, the space in the center of the “O” is stressed to create an emotive sense of surprise and joy.

The accent above the “E” stresses the syllable by increasing the intensity of the voice, creating a powerful effect when you anticipate how the name is pronounced.

Opéra de Saint-Étienne Fun Print Design

For the colors used on the print materials, a broad spectrum was used, stretching from dense yellow to purple. Each of the colors are slightly faded to add some age to the shades, but it doesn’t detract from their brightness that much. The designs combine elements of class and creativity, a combination often associated with the Opera.

Opéra de Saint-Étienne Playful Print Design

For the communication campaign, the idea was to use portraits of real people from the Saint-Étienne Opera House. In the materials used the portraits pay homage to hard work that goes on behind the scenes at the Opera - the work that is rarely, if ever, seen by the public. It’s also an effective way of showing a different side to the House, and inspires happiness when observed by the public.

Opéra de Saint-Étienne is a playful print design in the Arts & Recreation and Entertainment industries.