Sundae Great Homepage

Sundae is an online community meant to bring creative experts and companies together. Employers are able to log into Sundae to browse a variety of talented, creative professionals to find the contractor that is right for them. Inversely, creatives are able to apply to a variety of postings made available by an assortment of companies. Sundae wants to establish themselves as creative, user-focused, and personally conscious.

Sundae’s home page features minimal branding and a colorful video that explains the impetus of the site. When users come to the home page, they’re immediately greeted by a high-energy, creative video that holds Sundae up as the internet’s premiere community for creative individuals. After watching the video, users are able to click on a small icon labeled “Join Sundae,” where they can begin creating their unique profile. This is an example of how effective designers are the ones who create multimedia experiences for their clients. While browsing the home page, users are able to stimulate their eyes, ears, and touch, as they watch, listen, and click.

Sundae Great Website Design

The page shown here, which provides information about the purpose of Sundae’s website, is indicative of how the designer continually foregrounds Sundae’s creative, user-focused branding.

The designer has crafted a page here that uses several design thematics to construct a specific image. The colored circles, with different identities written in them, mix and blend their colors. This, paired with the image of an excited user, evokes a sense of personal identity and mutual collaboration.

These are the values of Sundae, this is the image they want to project, and it’s the kind of experience users can expect when they sign up for Sundae.

Sundae Colorful About Page

Sundae’s “About” page again reinforces the specific brand initiatives of their company. It’s clearly intended to evoke a sense of creativity, with its bright colors and depiction of a creative process. What’s more, it also promotes a focus on their users, as the content of the image is showcasing the actions of a supposed community creator. It’s also indicative of how Sundae promotes themselves as personally conscious, textualizing their mission of having a positive impact on the world.

Sundae is a great website design in the Arts & Recreation and E-commerce & Retail industries.