Thobeck Professional Homepage

This table is a result of the combination of craftsmanship and design, comes from the German company Thobeck, which was founded in 2013 by Thomas Beck and Georg Ackermann GmbH. The table is a great example of how Koskisen decorative plywood, KoskiDecor transparent, KoskiDecor eco transparent, and KoskiDecor laminate can be used in the design industry.

This website is proof of how great a digital product catalog could look. I love the way users interact and they can change the colors of the table, also the way the product’s story is told as users scroll down. The chosen background color Darkcyan is unique, the disadvantage is some colors of the table look a bit of absonant. However, it indeed grabs users’ attention at the first glance, and reinforces the brand image. 

Thobeck Professional Website Design

To introduce the essence of the tablet, the designer includes several interesting methods. For example, it’s surprising to see that big entry imagery turn the viewpoint when users scroll down. To present the aspect of multifunction, the environmental table imagery morphs alongside the change of the table color. Next up, “Assembly Instructions” section is addressed well by the precise wording and clear image gallery; the indicator and arrows make the back-and-forth viewing very easy. The breakdown “Data Sheet” is presented beautifully. At the end, the bottom four “Add-Ons” echoes the top four “features” yet it reverses the horizontal layout to be vertical. Overall, as one piece, the whole layout shows a nicely-balanced example between images and text.

Furthermore, the well-executed color switch is a very nice touch, which encourages users engagement. The colorization options stays top-left of the screen at all times, which simplifies the users' experience. The site doesn’t lose its charm when the browser size changes is a plus.

Thobeck is a professional website design in the Manufacturing industry.