Business Intelligence Systems

Business Consulting
Business Intelligence Systems
Article by Zarah Ariola
Last Updated: December 06, 2023

Business intelligence (BI) systems are now more accessible than ever before, empowering business owners and leaders across industries to leverage their data effectively. These intelligent systems drive smart decision-making and strategy development, aiding growth and expansion.

By utilizing business intelligence systems and big data, leadership teams, business analysts, and staff members can make informed choices and drive the advancement of their organizations. Read our article to learn more about BI systems and join the many who are harnessing the practical benefits of business intelligence systems to propel their enterprises forward.

What Are Business Intelligence Systems?

Business intelligence systems are tools that help you identify business trends and receive insights on the patterns these trends form over time. Obtaining this crucial information for you to scale your brand further and accordingly adapt to changes and market demands in the upcoming years.

Software solutions, tools, and platforms that enable and support business intelligence (BI) systems provide you with limitless knowledge of your own company and your competition. Not exclusive to higher-ups and top echelons alone, these are limitless. Anyone in your organization can benefit from powerful insights retrieved through business intelligence (BI) systems.

How Does a BI System Process Work?

The composition of BI systems includes tools and software, and data storage or warehouse.

A data warehouse is designed and built to store data collected about your entire business. On the other hand, the smaller data marts are subsets dedicated to holding data gathered about the specific units, departments, and teams comprising your organization.

Raw data extracted through your business intelligence (BI) systems and their sources consist of historical and real-time information. Integration of data quality management platforms enables and ensures consistency of information and accuracy of data analysis.

You and other business users in your company can then collate information to determine and compare trends. In turn, these can help you arrive at conclusive insights to significantly influence and impact your decisions and support your upcoming strategies and tactics.

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Types of Business Intelligence Systems

There are numerous types of business intelligence systems that cater to different needs and requirements. Here are some common types:

  • Reporting and querying tools focus on generating standardized reports and allowing users to run ad-hoc queries to retrieve specific information from databases.
  • Online analytical processing (OLAP) systems provide multidimensional analysis capabilities, allowing users to slice, dice, and drill down into data to gain insights from different perspectives.
  • Data visualization tools emphasize the visual representation of data through interactive charts, graphs, and dashboards, making it easier for users to understand and interpret complex information.
  • Data mining and predictive analytics systems utilize algorithms and statistical models to discover patterns, relationships, and future trends in data, enabling organizations to make data-driven predictions and forecasts.
  • Dashboards and scorecards provide real-time or near real-time data visualizations, KPI monitoring, and performance metrics, offering a consolidated view of business performance at a glance.

These types of BI systems can overlap or be integrated within comprehensive BI platforms. The choice of the right BI system depends on the specific needs, goals, and technical capabilities of an organization.

BI System Features

Business intelligence systems encompass a range of features designed to empower businesses with data-driven insights and decision-making capabilities. While the specific features and functionalities can vary across different BI software solutions, some common features of BI systems are:

Data Integration

BI systems enable the integration of data from various sources, including databases, spreadsheets, and external systems. This feature allows businesses to consolidate and analyze data from multiple platforms for a comprehensive view of their operations.

Data Visualization

BI systems often provide robust data visualization tools, such as charts, graphs, and interactive dashboards. These features make it easier for users to understand complex data sets, spot trends, and communicate insights effectively.

Reporting and Analytics

BI systems offer reporting and analytics capabilities that enable businesses to generate customized reports, perform ad-hoc data analysis, and extract actionable insights. Users can explore data, identify patterns, and make informed decisions based on accurate information.

Performance Monitoring

BI systems allow businesses to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and monitor real-time data. This way, organizations can stay informed about their performance, identify areas for improvement, and take proactive measures to drive success.

Data Mining and Predictive Analytics

Advanced BI systems may include data mining and predictive analytics capabilities. These tools use algorithms and statistical models to uncover hidden patterns, forecast future trends, and support data-driven predictions for better planning and decision-making.

Self-Service BI

Some BI systems offer self-service capabilities, allowing users to access and analyze data independently without relying on IT or technical experts. This empowers business users to explore data, create reports, and gain insights on their own, fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making.

Collaboration and Sharing

BI systems often facilitate collaboration by enabling users to share reports, dashboards, and insights with colleagues or stakeholders. This feature promotes transparency, facilitates knowledge sharing, and enhances teamwork within the organization.

Best Uses of BI Systems

While there truly are innumerable ways to utilize intelligent systems in business for purposes of growth and expansion, let us focus on and list the foremost, most manageable uses of BI systems:

  • Automation of reports and reports sharing
  • Real-time view of inventory for more streamlined sales management
  • Simultaneous data extraction and data analysis from multiple sources
  • Incorporation of marketing analytics tools for real-time e-Commerce revenues analysis
  • ROI tracking and encompassing view of other financial data trends
  • Leads generation, traffic optimization, and competitor analysis
  • Client demographic and consumer behavior analysis
  • Strengthened customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Standardization of reporting format
  • Trends prediction and data forecasting for prevention of potential losses
  • Tracking of HR data and evaluation of professional development
  • Social data and user interface data processing
  • Segregation of team-specific data and centralization of company-wide information
  • Predictive budget assessment
  • Monitoring of compliance issues and fraudulent threats
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Benefits of Leveraging Intelligent Systems in Business

Company leaders and brand owners have become more aware and have been experiencing the value and importance of business intelligence systems.

Ultimately, the goal is for you to achieve higher revenues and increase your profitability by way of intelligent systems in business. Their extensive use and a quality data analysis provide you with the abilities to:

Elevate and Speed Up Decision-Making Processes

You can develop well-thought-out strategies and more potent tactics to further the reach of your business. When you are equipped with curated and thoroughly examined big data through a BI system, you empower your business and your teams to take decision-making to new heights and accelerate the process.

Improve Your Company’s Internal Processes

Business intelligence (BI) systems allow you to work toward filling these gaps immediately.

You can make your workflows better or come and test new work structures. You will also be able to assess your current organizational chart and adjust it as necessary. Hence, you can find more synergy among your employees across different teams and departments, enhancing efficiency and boosting overall productivity.

Identify Problematic Areas and Address Them Early On

Owing to the historical context combined with real-time data analysis provided by intelligent systems in business, you can track performance and optimize operational procedures. At the same time, you get to vividly identify issues, glitches, and concerns that may result in inefficiencies.

Efficiently translating data into clear insights can help you and your team create a definitive and wide-ranging action plan. You can then tackle and eventually eliminate these problems. Also, you will be more capable of knowing how to handle issues when you encounter them in the future.

Determine Emerging Market Trends

Get a clearer perspective of buyer behavior and purchase patterns through data and insights retrieved. Compile your data. Compare the product trends of your brand and compare these with competitor data. Leveraging a BI system's power places you in a more favorable marketing position and gives you a competitive advantage over rival brands and companies.

Techniques Used in Business Intelligence Systems

  1. Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and Data Querying
  2. Data Preparation and Data Visualization
  3. Reporting
  4. Benchmarking
  5. Descriptive analysis
  6. Statistical analysis

Technologies for business intelligence (BI) systems use predictive data analytics and an advanced statistical evaluation to help you and your business gain conclusive insights, uncover brand patterns and trends, and anticipate the trajectory of your organization.

Their utilization is ideally a continuous and multi-dimensional cycle of explorations, assessments, and sharing of information.

Here are the most widely known techniques and functions of BI:

1. Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and Data Querying

Your BI system tools and software sort through large datasets across various databases, cloud-computing machines, and statistics. You can request specific information depending on what you need to learn trends and establish their patterns and relationships. Analytical data querying can best sift through and narrow down these details for you.

2. Data Preparation and Data Visualization

This is the phase of business intelligence (BI) systems processes wherein visual data representations such as graphs and charts are prepared and provided for a more efficient analysis performance. The technique combines, organizes, models, and compares data in preparation for an in-depth examination. If you are using a self-service BI system, you can automate or customize the construction of these visuals on your own.

3. Reporting

Reporting in intelligent systems in business includes sharing operational data and financial analysis with leadership teams and the entire decision-making body of your company. Reports are expected to be free of ambiguity.

The findings should significantly impact and drive toward straightforward conclusions and sound business decisions without apprehension.

4. Benchmarking

You then move on with data-driven performance tracking based on historical data extracted.

Cross-reference performance analysis results against previously set and distributed vital performance indicators (KPIs) and other metrics currently used by your organization. In addition, you can also compare and contrast how your brand is faring against competitors and the other leading enterprises in your industry.

5. Descriptive analysis

This stage in a BI system includes qualitative analysis and interpretation of historical and real-time data. It is intended to shed light on the changes happening within your company.

6. Statistical analysis

After gathering results, you can incorporate information from the descriptive analysis with qualitative data analysis while applying advanced statistics methodologies. This will give you even more clarity about trends and accumulated patterns from your big data.

Tools and Applications in a BI System

Business intelligence (BI) systems are designed to meet information needs. Some of the most easily accessible technologies—both self-service software and more traditional BI tools for manual processing —are as follows:

Ad Hoc Querying or Ad Hoc Analysis

It is one of the most fundamental elements of intelligent systems in business and the main functionality in self-service BI platforms. Ad hoc analysis runs queries that analyze more particularly targeted areas of business.

They are run regularly, and the results turned in are constantly integrated into reporting and dashboards.

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

OLAP tools enable users to perform multi-faceted, complex data analysis. It is more fitting for complicated calculations and queries.

Mobile BI System

Mobile BI systems are best known for their ease of use. They are easily accessible on smart mobile devices such as phones and tablets. Available mobile dashboards usually allow you to view only up to three data visual presentations that conveniently fit your screens on the go.

Real-Time BI system

When using a real-time BI system, data analysis occurs as data extraction, collection, and processing happens. This lets you get an up-to-date overview of your operations, changes in buyer behavior, fluctuations in financial markets, and other areas of your organization and management. The process of data analytics in real-time involves data streaming that is great for monitoring credit scores, targeted promotional and marketing initiatives and stock trading.

Operational Intelligent Systems in Business (OI)

This is also known as the operational business intelligence (BI) systems. It is a form of real-time intelligent systems in a business that instantaneously delivers information and analysis to business users and operations managers.

It is excellent for use when resolving problems on the spot, enabling you to come up with conclusions faster and hence, take action more quickly, too. This type of BI systems is most useful to your customer services arm and logistics branch as it eases any bottlenecks.

SaaS BI System Applications

This function typically comes in the form of paid premium subscription hosted by a vendor. It is a convenient cloud-computing-based system with analytics capabilities across varying cloud platforms.

Open-Source BI System (OSBI)

Proprietary OSBI is primarily fashioned to cater to the data analysis needs of individual business users. It is available in two versions:

  • Community edition that is free of charge
  • Subscription-based released commercially by a vendor and with technical support to boot

For paid OSBI tools, your analysts can have access to the source code for the purpose of development.

Embedded Business Intelligence (BI) Systems

These allow users to analyze information on the applications they use on the job. The features are commonly already integrated by the app software vendor.

Collaborative BI Systems

More a process than an actual technological tool, this form of business intelligence (BI) systems leverages collaboration among BI applications and other BI tools to allow for users to work together on data analysis.

This offers excellent reporting and sharing functionalities for better teamwork. For instance, you can annotate data and results with comments or questions via a discussion tool.

Location Intelligent Systems in Business (LI)

It is a specialized type of BI system that uses geographic components for data analysis.

You can map out data analysis and visualization through LI by incorporating geospatial data. It offers insights on brick-and-mortar retail shops, in-store facilities, and logistics management, enabling you to optimize any location-based advertising and promotional activities you plan to launch.

Importance of Intelligent Systems in Business for Big Data Architectures

Business intelligence systems serve as staging areas where users store raw data for later refinement and analysis.

As previously mentioned, highly skilled professionals such as business analysts, managers, and data scientists mostly use a BI system. However, these are generally no longer only for a specialist’s use and application.

More platforms and tools offer flexible connectivity options to big data analytics tools, including NoSQL, Spark, and Hadoop. In this light, more employees in your company have visibility and access to your BI system, enabling them to be involved in and contribute to datasets analysis.

What Is a BI System Trend and What Are Its Examples?

BI system trends reveal which enterprises are still in the process of positioning themselves more powerfully and ready for the competitive markets and which BI system they are building their data analysis on.

You should pay closer attention to these trends in intelligent systems in business because these are most capable of addressing potential hiccups and challenges you may encounter.

Here are some of the most notable trends that are the driving forces on the market—in the here and now—from the business user's point of view.

Augmented Analytics Technologies

BI tools have become more open to offering querying capabilities through natural language as a convenient alternative to writing queries in high-level specialized programming languages. Business intelligence (BI) systems have been integrating AI and high-performing, user-friendly automated algorithms that assist more users in breaking down and preparing data analysis without programming.

Low-Code and No-Code Development

Regarding the last point, BI systems have also been incorporating features that allow you to develop visual charts and graphs from your data analysis without relying on highly specialized coding.

Increased Reliance on Cloud-Based Apps

While a BI system is typically deployed in actual, physical data centers, intelligent systems in business have been gradually moving to the cloud to adapt to digital changes and support greater business demands.

In addition to on-premises deployments, they have made data warehouses and platforms available on the cloud for farther reach and a more convenient user experience, notwithstanding the geographical location.

Improved Data Literacy for More Users

Self-service functionalities have been broadening the use of BI in organizations across numerous industries. Understanding data has proven to be crucial in growth and scaling. This fact has prompted brand owners and managers to disseminate the practical use of BI beyond their dedicated team of analysts and specialists.

Top Industries That Utilize Business Intelligence Systems

Here are the leading business sectors that leverage business intelligence systems and big data analysis:

  • Retail and wholesale
  • Medical research institutes
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Manufacturing
  • Finance
  • Outsourcing and offshoring

The Future of Business Intelligence Systems

Business intelligence systems are dynamic, constantly evolving and adapting to accumulating business needs, demands, and technologies that are just as dynamic. They have become less intimidating and more empowering, educating business teams and units on various roles and responsibilities.

Their applications will continue to increase, and the number of users equipped with the know-how to use them will keep growing. Companies and organizations strive to develop more data-informed strategies and make more data-driven decisions to thrive. A BI system makes this more achievable. Intelligent systems in business will remain a powerful, multi-functional resource to invest in.

Business Intelligence Systems FAQs

1. What are the main activities in business intelligence systems?

The main activities in business intelligence systems include data collection, data integration, data storage, data analysis, data visualization, and reporting. These systems gather data from various sources, such as databases and external systems. Data is then integrated into a centralized location, stored and organized for easy access. They also analyze the data to uncover insights and patterns, visualize the data through charts and dashboards for better understanding, and generate reports to communicate findings and support decision-making processes.

2. What are some business intelligence systems examples?

There are all sorts of business intelligence system examples, the most popular being Microsoft Power BI. Other popular BI solutions include Datapine, MicroStrategy, SAS Business Intelligence, QlikSense, Sisense, and many more.

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