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Civex App Enables Shareholders To Leverage Their Impact Through Convenient Proxy Voting
Established by a group of industry experts, Civex is a fintech company that aims to increase the participation of solo investors in proxy voting by hosting a community where individuals, shareholders and publicly traded companies can engage each other and discuss issues that actually matter, including the upcoming proxy votes.
Having already gained credibility with robust mobile apps, Civex needed to deploy a new, user-centric platform for responsible investing on Android and iPhone. Enter ELEKS!
Digging deep into the business’s requirements, as well as the industry environment, the agency was set out to create a unique platform that perfectly translates Civix’s services to hand-held devices - getting individuals to become more involved in the corporate governance processes and removing many of the obstacles typical to retail investor voting.
Judging by the final product’s superior functionality, it’s safe to say that ELEKS exceeded the client’s already high expectations.
Essentially, Civex app is a user-facing mobile platform that hosts an expanding community of like-minded, trustworthy people, where users can spark conversations and ultimately, see how their personal network feels about particular proposals or matters, then lean on them if they want to cast their own vote. It is for everyone willing to leverage their investments in company stocks, mutual funds and ETFs to push the needle.
What is Proxy Voting?
Simply put, this fintech-powered proxy vote is a delegation of voting authority to a representative on behalf of the initial shareholder. That way, the original vote-holder gets a chance to relay to the companies in which they are invested which proposals they are for or against, etc...
Before voting, it is of the utmost importance to understand corporate priorities to ensure alignment with personal values. Civex is custom-tailored to balance said personal passion points and current investments. Through the network, users can learn what votes are coming up at the companies they’re invested in and educate themselves on how to turn thoughts into action.
Additionally, “Civex aggregates data from its users and supplies this information to publicly listed companies, as well as institutional money managers so that they can better connect with their retail audience and understand what it is that retail investors want from their companies.”
Civex App Design Is Intuitive, Clean and Modern
Ingenious idea aside, Civex offers to streamline the processes in the vertical that are fairly complex to the general populous. On that note, its app design is extremely intuitive and clean, taking the potential confusion and worry away, right from the get-go.
While most apps in the banking & finance industry opt for a user-centric approach, that doesn’t necessarily mean the eye-pleasing design is far behind. Civex app may look basic at first glance, but its minimal and modern UI, combined with ample negative space and the on-brand palette ensure effortless and clearly outlined navigation.
There isn’t an overwhelming number of routes to trek, there aren’t a ton of options or functionalities – it’s just what users need. However, the platform is much akin to its industry – expanding (check out the best app designs with standout features).
Civex is architected and built with scalability in mind to accommodate the company’s growth plan for the years ahead and that future is truly something to look forward to.
Civex’s Distinct Branding and Business Philosophy Emanates Across App Design
Speaking of design, ELEKS made sure every step of the (user) journey shone with the company’s branding. It’s subtle, attention-grabbing and most importantly, it helps users navigate the app.
Civex’s distinct SaaS-styled illustrations adorn almost every screen, but they also embody the company’s business credo – reliability, trustworthiness and transparency. On-brand green and orange complement each other beautifully, accentuating various buttons and actions.
Partnering with ELEKS, Civex rapidly delivered a solid and consistently designed mobile app that utilizes the latest design trends to ease, inform and pull new users along the actionable investment journey, increasing the company’s credibility. This app is a seamless extension of the brand making the entire experience seamless and cohesive.
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- Industries:Banking & Finance