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- App designed by Selcuk Aker
- 99
Standout Feature:
- Streamlined, dark-themed interface
- Various customization options
- Cohesive, minimalist design
Selcuk Aker tackled the challenge of designing a user-friendly mobile app for VFace, a company offering smart home technology solutions. The goal was to create an intuitive interface that empowers users to effortlessly control their smart home environment from anywhere.
VFace app's standout feature is its clean, dark-themed interface. With smart home devices often requiring multiple controls, Aker's design focused on simplifying the interaction by creating a clutter-free layout that's easy on the eyes. Each function is easily accessible, with well-placed icons and minimal navigation steps. Even less tech-savvy users can manage their home devices effortlessly!
Another key feature is the dynamic, customizable dashboard, allowing users to tailor the app based on their needs. Homeowners can prioritize their most-used devices or functions, giving them complete control over their smart home system without unnecessary clutter. By making the dashboard customizable, the design reinforces VFace's commitment to convenience, offering users a platform that fits their lifestyle.
The best part? Aker's consistent use of minimalism, simple colors, and understated typography make the interface visually appealing while avoiding distractions. This thoughtful design approach ensures the app doesn't overwhelm users with unnecessary visual elements, allowing them to focus on functionality.
- App designed by Selcuk Aker
- 99
- Industries:Technology Android and iOS