NBC’s Logo Design Highlights The Company’s Prestigious History
The National Broadcast Company, otherwise known as NBC, is an American broadcast television network headquartered in New York City. This iconic organization first began broadcasting to the general public in 1926.
It was first a radio broadcasting network before turning to television broadcasting in 1953. NBC is the oldest major broadcast network in the United States, and it holds with it a legacy, prestige and history that can’t be matched.
NBC encompasses 13 owned-and-operated stations and hundreds of affiliate stations across the United States and Canada.
To say its reach is massive would be a severe understatement.
NBC is one of the most well-known brands to exist today. Almost everyone has heard the name or watched an affiliate news channel. It’s an iconic brand with a backbone rooted in journalism ethics and powerful reporting.
Throughout its history, this company, rich with history, has had a few different logo iterations. It began as a black and white microphone with bright red lightning bolts and radio waves radiating from the image.
Its next form took the shape of a xylophone, with each bar utilizing one of the company’s well-known colors. This logo was accompanied by the iconic NBC chimes when it was seen on television screens.
The year was 1956 when the company first introduced the image of the peacock.
At first, this colorful image took on the shape of a peacock very clearly, with an outlined peacock standing in front of the feathers. There were many versions of this before the company decided on a more simple, modern and chic logo design in 1986.

The NBC Logo Has Stood The Test Of Time Thanks To Its Dynamic Color And Creative Shape
The NBC logo stands strong. It stands powerfully. It stands resolute.
It embodies the legacy and the history of the brand. It connects to its roots. It connects to its heritage It’s a symbol that has stood the test of time and one that all eyes can look to and instantly recognize.
Its original peacock iteration was much more apparent. The peacock stood in all of its glory. But now, the peacock is only noticed subtly. You have to know it’s there to see it.
It’s seen in the empty white space beneath the colorful feathers. And it’s beak appears in the triangle cut out of the purple feather.
Give it another look, I’m sure you’ll see it now.
The rest of the logo is modern and simple. Six teardrop-shaped feathers fan out from the center. These colors call back to the early days of television, back when TV was transitioning from black and white to color. These colors show a transition to the future and the brand’s dedication toward evolution.
Similarly, this peacock faces the right which is a way for the company to further promote its dedication to growing for the future.
There are six feathers and six colors — these feathers each represent a division of the NBC network offerings — news, sports, entertainment, stations, network and productions. This integration into the logo and its subtle, deeper meaning give the logo even more weight than it already had.
The NBC wordmark sits beneath in a strong, black font that radiates legacy and resilience. It promotes excellence and mastery in its field.
The final NBC emblem is what every logo design agency aims to achieve in their work. It's a perfect union of old and new, emanating rich history while constantly moving forward.
It's a bright, bold and daring symbol that can be seen from a mile away. It comes with modern twists and edgy elements that make it stand out, but it also comes with a history that completely encapsulates the brand and its overall legacy as a broadcast company.
This logo design is certainly one for the ages.

NBC Struck Gold With Its Iconic, Multicolored Peacock Logo
The NBC logo is iconic, imaginative and crafty. It’s a logo that has evolved greatly over the years, its first version looking nothing like the shining peacock we see before our nightly news report and at the corner of our favorite tv shows. The modern peacock brands ever aspect of NBC with colorful strength.Â
This logo is strong, sleek and modern. The colors represent the brand and its parent company, and it harkens to the earlier years when the brand was in its prime, dominating the industry and putting others to shame.
It’s an intuitive and engaging logo, especially considering all of the meaning embedded within it. The peacock still sits in white, and you can see its beak in the purple cutout. Similarly, the colors have a deeper meaning — representing the six divisions of the company itself.
This minimal, modern and responsive logo variant is extremely exciting and captivating. There’s a simplicity that pulls you in and a brightness that keeps you interacting.
This logo design came a long way, but it’s here to stay. Check out other great tv channel logo designs to get inspired.
- Industries:Content & News Entertainment