Sunday Breakfast Great Homepage

Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission is non profit organisation that help homeless and disadvantaged in Philadelphia area since 1878 and the site for them was designed by Griflan studio.

This is a great example of charity related site for an inspiration. Many sites like have too corporate look with lack of some personal touches, relating more to human relations and emotions. I think this site have these things that creates a very personal and direct messaging. It’s mostly achieved by this great handwritten looking typeface that adds personality to the whole site. 

Sunday Breakfast Great Layout

I really like irregular layout of elements here and there, which add some variety to the site. Handwritten titles, icons, and raw textures make it more personal and customized. 

Sunday Breakfast Great Website Design

Pairing yellow with this dark blue creates a combination of very trustworthy and safe feelings. 

Sunday Breakfast Trendy Website Design

This is a really cute newsletter section, where we can open it and put in our email or close it by clicking this arrow. It takes less space but it’s clear enough to click it and it’s easy to find it.

Sunday Breakfast Great About Page

The help to tell the stories, there are great big images of people who help or who received help and all this make this site very successful and on-point.

Sunday Breakfast is a best website design in the Non-Profit industry.