CallAgents UK LTD
8 Ashwood Close, Ormesby, Cleveland, Middlesbrough, TS7 9PY, United Kingdom
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CallAgents UK LTD Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Call Agents UK looks after telephone calls for businesses of all sizes, specifically SME’s. We work as part of your team providing call answering services and customer service lines. For some businesses we are their full time receptionists and for others we work with them on an overflow basis taking calls when they experience busy periods or staff shortages. Whatever your business needs are we can help, and we can do it at a fraction of the cost of employing in-house staff.

With over 40 years Customer service, customer care, customer retention and complaints handling experience on our side you can rest assured that your customers are safe in our hands. Our team members are friendly and dedicated to providing a world class customer service experience .

We are proven to improve service levels and enhance your customer experience.
8 Ashwood Close, Ormesby, Cleveland, Middlesbrough, TS7 9PY, United Kingdom

CallAgents UK LTD Services

CallAgents UK LTD Clients

  • Mintronics
  • North Yorks
  • Stokesley, N'Yorks
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