eOxegen app design

eOxegen App Design Shows How Rounded Fonts and Garish Accent Colors Define A Different Kind Of User Experience

eOxegen is a healthcare and health insurance desktop and mobile app developed and designed by Verb creative agency. The creators refer to the app as “healthcare now delivered in an experiential interface.”

The fonts and colors used in the eOxegen app design make it stand out from the traditionally cold and clinical “by-the-book" niche.

Rounded fonts and garish accent colors that contrast the whiteness of the app’s dashboard provide a lighthearted element to the well-laid-out UI. A menu is positioned in a way that ensures maximum navigational ease.

App designers understand that color and typography are not just aesthetically pleasing. They actively guide the user's journey through the app, making navigation almost second nature.

The dashboard lets users keep track of their health record, fitness results, health insurance status and other data relevant to their well-being. All of this varied data requires clever visualization that would help users identify the most important information at a glance.

Hence, a wide range of vibrant colors: greens, blues, reds and everything in between, are used to emphasize certain sections, graphs, charts and figures. This is the kind of visual aid that diverts the attention and focuses on the right sections.

eOxegen's Lighthearted Illustrations Are Proven To Provide A Relaxed Atmosphere

One of the aspects that differentiate eOxegen from all other apps in this segment is that it uses a familiar style of vector illustrations to depict carefree, likable characters which accompany the user.

These illustrated characters are more than just eye-candy: they appear at crucial points of navigation and user journey and assist with whatever the user is trying to accomplish.

However, more than anything, they are there to introduce the comfort and feeling of ease to an app that can contain serious and potentially unsettling data for the user. The interface’s overall warmth and friendliness are there to mitigate any bad experiences that may occur in relation to bad health insurance news.

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eOxegen app design by VERB

eOxegen's Dashboard Makes Healthcare Management Easy To Understand And Navigate

Once the user gets through all the setup screens, the app’s dashboard loads and presents all the key sections such as recent claims, claims made on policies, news, endorsements, daily fitness tracking and others.

At the top of the screen is the main navigation menu. The sufficiently thick bar contains six main points of interest: Home, Claims, Policy, Providers, Fitness and Gamezone. These are joined by three familiar icons at the top right corner: inbox, notifications and account settings.

Since all the action within the desktop app is performed on a single screen, there is no scrolling at all. On mobile, the menu is repurposed and reconfigured to fit the requirements of the screen size and typical mode of use.

As there is no scrolling, the menu – naturally - stays with the user the whole time. A thick purple line moves under each menu item when a user clicks/taps on it, signaling where they are in the app.

eOxegen App Design Features A Multi-Modular Layout That Creates Easy-To-Find Content Sections

The bulk of content on the app’s dashboard – i.e. everything below the menu – is neatly organized in section blocks devoted to different stats, information and data.

Each block is clearly described with a large typeface. Accent colors are added to certain parts to ensure that the users notice and retain the info presented.

The sections’ background is white, against which black fonts and numbers stand out very visibly. The modules are separated by the light grey background which flows into the section’s “recesses.” The use of light grey may seem very random, but is actually a smart move – the slightly different shade to the module’s white reduces eye fatigue.

eOxegen App Design Mixes Outstanding Looks Without Compromising The Product’s Functionality

With the eOxegen app design, Verb agency wanted to introduce a less rigid and more lighthearted appeal into a very conservative healthcare segment, design-wise.

The result is an experiential user interface with a great overview of all crucial health stats, seamless navigation and a popping color scheme.

The functionality of the app is never compromised by its looks or vice versa. This goes for both the desktop and mobile versions of the app.

Fast navigation, quick, almost instant loading times and overall feeling of weightlessness permeate the user experience. Aided by friendly illustrations, bright colors and an intuitive layout, this app product may prove to be a proper gamechanger in this sector. It reminds us of how branding specialists effectively utilize visual language to engage users and convey complex ideas with ease.

The trust of its users, stemming from the wonderful attention to detail of the app’s creators, is eOxegen’s ultimate seal of quality. And another is the fact that this trailblazing healthcare app has won DesignRush’s Best Design Award.

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