Wingz Illustrated App Design

Wingz is an app for booking rides, but before you compare it to Uber, there are plenty of selling points that make Wingz stand out. The platform prides itself on connecting users with trusted drivers, and encourages users to find drivers they like and book trips with them often. Users can also book far in advance of their travel date, so they know the details are taken care of beforehand without worrying about last minute additional costs due to high demand on the road. The service operates on a flat-rate basis, so users know what they can expect to pay.

Upon launching the app, users are taken through a quick onboarding process that helps explain the platform and ensure they’re able to get maximum use out of it. Once the details are taken care of (including a phone number so that drivers can reach the user if they need to), a map screen appears. The map configuration and functionality will be familiar to users of any other ride service -- the app uses the user’s current location to auto-populate the origin (or the user can choose to type in another address). The origin is indicated by a bright green pin. The user can move the red destination pin anywhere on the map to indicate where they need to be dropped off. Users also have full access to upcoming and past bookings, so they’re easily able to keep track of what’s on the schedule.

The Wingz app has a distinctly modern feel to it. The dominant dark purple and bright green colors work well together, and feel like a fresh choice for an app. Lightweight modern typography also helps define the experience. Custom illustrations in the onboarding process keep the platform feeling approachable with no trace of the stuffiness one usually associates with limousine and black cab service. 

Wingz is an illustrated app design in the e-commerce & retail and travel industries.