The Nine Film Great Homepage

Innovative, provocative, emotional, and gut-wrenching could be the words to describe both, the movie and the website. The promotional website for the film, The Nine, is a sullen, yet beautiful experience that offers an original UI design, encouraging users to interact with the film on an emotional level. Explore best promotional website design here.

The homepage’s backdrop is a subtle clip from the opening credits, yet its colors draw the viewer’s attention to the bottom of the screen where it says explore. The deep scroll layout gives a softened tone to the overall site, drawing attention to the context of the film and not the content of the page.

The Nine Film Great Website Design

The first subpage goes right into the film’s official trailer. The video is brought to the foreground using a black backdrop, giving credence to the movie theater screen. The option to watch the alternate trailer is overshadowed by the one that automatically plays on the page.

The video is voiceless and only carried by the original score for the film. This particular trailer teeters with the user experience by evoking an emotional response to the video, which in turn, encourages users to either continue to scroll on the page or go and watch the documentary.

The Nine Film Great Website Design

The deep scroll feature stumbles across a character page. The UI allows viewers to scroll over each name and hear a quote from the subject that was featured in the film. While moving the mouse over each name, a picture of the subject is brought against a backdrop. This subtle move minimizes the left panel and directs the point of view onto the character selected.

The photography of each subject is different. For example, KiKi who is the focus subject of the film, is seen underneath the lights of a club against the dark backdrop. However, it matches her personality and the voice over quote which draws users in, encouraging them to continue scrolling.

The Nine Film Great Featured Cast Page

With the exception of the homepage and featured cast page, the backdrop is almost completely black with a white menu bar, and subtle left-panel bar. It creates a minimal interface that isn’t distracting, allowing the viewer to continue to interact with the site. The content is nominal and powerful and the typography grabs the attention of the viewer. The picture of Katy Grannan in her element, is a form of emotional manipulation and draws users to the ultimate conclusion, “go watch the movie.”

The amazing thing about The Nine’s promotional page is the symbolic imagery displayed throughout the website. The colors were dark, sullen, and poignant artistic move that brought a personalized emotion to user interaction. The mapping and the overall design was revolutionary.

The Nine Film is a great website design in the Arts & Recreation industry.