
What Are Crisis Management Firms?

Crisis management firms perform critical communications management functions through which an organization prepares for, veers from, and responds to certain conditions, situations, or events that may negatively impact its stakeholders, the organization or company itself as a whole, or even the general public.

They bring activities and processes to address potential threats to your business reputation and brand name. They gear your company toward preventing physical harm to employees and clients, financial losses, resource deficiency, and unnecessary costs that may be detrimental to your bottom line.

The framework of any crisis public relations initiative can be anchored in three phases:

  • First is the pre-crisis phase, which comprises anticipation, avoidance, and preparation.
  • Next is the crisis response phase, wherein the crisis team responds to an actual crisis.
  • The third and final phase involves fulfilling commitments and obligations pledged during the crisis. In addition, this is also when the crisis communications agency reviews the incident, evaluates where the company must have fallen short, foresees the following steps, and maps out action plans to avert the same situation in the future.
experts in a crisis management firm brainstorming
Crisis PR firms are critical to safeguarding your company image and brand reputation

What Do Crisis PR Firms Do?

Crisis PR agencies can help prepare your organization for possible untoward incidents, laying out prevention strategies, contingency plans, and reinforcement schemes.

Here are the foremost duties and responsibilities of crisis communications firms:

1. Reputation Management

Crisis communications agencies look after your company image and brand reputation, protecting and helping uphold it and defending it when needed.

Professional PR-trained teams help maintain the high regard for and trustworthiness of your business. These specialists are proficient and skilled in coaching high-level management leaders and briefing your communications personnel.

They groom and enable your workforce to speak eloquently and favorably in media interviews, external meetings, and press conferences.

Crisis PR firms guide you in polishing your public statements and potentially re-angle your narrative if necessary. It's their role to make sure your account and manner of storytelling are aligned with advocating your organization and maintaining its position in a good light.

2. Strategic Planning and Messaging

Crisis communications companies draft well-planned tactical messages.

This type of messaging places your company in a favorable position on the market, builds a high public trust and sustains this confidence.

If in the event of an impending crisis, you will need the expertise and advice of a dedicated crisis communications agency.

Crisis management firms will help you look at the situation from a different, outside perspective. They make you see the most relevant messages most advantageous to your organization. Besides producing the right messaging, they are also experts at how these messages can be best conveyed and expressed.

Crisis PR firms are the best in the field to demonstrate subtle yet effective control and proactive interface as opposed to reactive communication.

3. Crisis and Emergency Preparedness

Crisis teams are an authority in preempting rough patches that could likely happen in the future, whether a minor hiccup, a harmful obstacle, or a severe difficulty.

They can calculate imminent problems based on present circumstances and founded on methodical and technical theories. To determine the likelihood of a crisis, they will provide recommendations, including precise processes and logical steps to avoid a looming crisis.

In this capacity, crisis communications firms encourage level-headedness and alertness among employees, leaders, and other stakeholders. They empower the entire business by teaching you and your people to think ahead and how to respond quickly and effectively to complicated situations of varying degrees.

Why Hire Crisis Communications Firms?

Employing crisis control services is an excellent approach to safeguarding your company image and brand reputation. Experience the following advantages of having a crisis communications agency you can work hand in hand with throughout your journey of business growth and expansion:

1. Expert Communication and Management Advice

Crisis management firms are specialists in the industry with wide-ranging experience handling various crisis scenarios.

They are the most fitting professionals to hand you well-thought-out communication and messaging plan templates and other resources essential to crisis handling and preparedness. They can devise and walk you through emergency response procedures that are tried and tested.

2. Proper Handling of Media Relations

When a crisis is made known to the public, the problem escalates more quickly. Versions of the story are dispersed like wildfire, and the already difficult situation becomes blown out of proportion.

If the damage is not controlled, it can take its toll on your business, influencing public trust, impacting your image and branding, and disrupting your operations. Eventually, this can cause your profits to dwindle, investors to pull out, and liabilities to continue increasing.

A crisis communications agency knows how to interface with audiences from all walks of life.

Their specialists are expert, well-informed conversationalists who know how to moderate and modify your company's tone of voice. They are eloquent and have their ways of which words choosing to say.

How they express what your company wants to communicate with the general public is persuasive. It can help turn the situation around—transform public mistrust into empathy and understanding, which is a start to rebuilding your reputation.

3. Long-Term Support, Training, and Coaching

The work of crisis management firms does not only happen when there is an actual crisis. Neither does it end when the problem ceases.

Their role in your organization includes consistently strategizing and implementing initiatives to guarantee the maintenance of your business's outstanding image and reputation.

Crisis PR firms have core and backup plans in hand, ready to be implemented when an inconvenient situation arises.

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How Much Does a Crisis Communications Agency Charge for Its Services?

The costs of crisis management firms heavily rely on their professional experience and the specifications of the work you intend for them to do for your company.

Depending on the industry you are in and the scope of geographies involved, the fees of a crisis public relations firm range between $60,000 to $500,000.

How to Find the Right Crisis Communications Agency for Your Business?

When you're looking for a crisis communications agency to help your organization efficiently plan for and manage crises, consider the following:

1. Communication Skills

Choose from a roster of crisis public relations agencies with strong, flexible, and proactive communication strategies and skills. These capabilities and proficiency are foundational to managing crisis successfully and effectively.

Winning and high-performing crisis PR firms always speak with clarity, objectivity, and purpose.

Your choice of a crisis communications agency has to be able to give vivid responses promptly and act based on factual data. Their plans should be anchored on business continuity, aligned with your values and company objectives, and tailored to your required compliance support.

2. Relationship-Building Skills

Effective crisis management firms glue together the members of an organization in emotionally charged, taxing, and difficult times of crises, stepping into the situation and quickly establishing rapport across the entire company.

Crisis PR firms must be a great culture fit with values aligned with those of your business. They should be able to navigate challenging times with a solid plan and successfully get your company through these hurdles.

3. Commendable Experience in the Field

Assess the experience of crisis public relations agencies by evaluating case studies involving them. Make sure to check whether a firm's crisis managers have obtained certifications.

It's also reasonable to check any recognitions received by the crisis communications firms from credible award-giving bodies because this positions them as authorities and thought leaders.

A situation of emergencies, turbulences, or calamities demands crisis management firms to take the lead. They are expected to act and react accordingly, at the same rapid pace and dynamic rate with which the crisis is going. When it comes to crisis preparedness and response, they are in charge.

That's why looking into the professional background and experiences of crisis PR firms that you're selecting from is a priority.

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10 Questions to Ask When Hiring Crisis PR Firms

  1. Would it be possible for you to share the list of clients you worked with and provided crisis public relations services for?
  2. Can you detail one crisis you had to tackle and what steps you took for your client to win over the situation?
  3. How do you devise your crisis communications plans, and how would you modify them better to suit the needs and demands of a particular organization?
  4. What are your processes for crisis communications?
  5. Is your crisis communication procedure objective, realistic, reusable, and repeatable?
  6. How do you map out your contingency plans?
  7. What are your ground rules as a crisis communications agency, and how do you adhere to them with discipline?
  8. How do you integrate risk management into your strategies?
  9. What are the methodologies you use for assisting with recovery after a crisis?
  10. How do you implement a well-coordinated and transparent communications system with your clients?

Takeaways on Crisis Management Firms

Even the most efficiently-structured organizations and seamlessly-managed businesses may, at some point, be hit with a crisis, whether on the inside or due to external circumstances. Hence, it is strategic, tactical, and practical to employ the services of a crisis communications agency.

Crisis communications companies are well-versed in the industry and equipped with the essential know-how to anticipate crises and eventually deal with them when they come.


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