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- App designed by Elizabeth Rhodes
- 200
Standout Features:
- Vibrant color scheme
- Clean and intuitive layout
- Community-centric design elements
TRACE’s app design by Elizabeth Rhodes balances aesthetic appeal and functionality with a vibrant color scheme. Using purple for the main interface and bright colors for the app’s tools reflects the brand’s lively and inclusive identity.
The UI simplifies users’ transition journey with a convenient photo-tracking feature. Accompanying tools like Appointments, Shot Reminders, and Binder Reminders empower transgender individuals to trace their progress successfully.
Thanks to the app’s clean and straightforward layout, navigation is a breeze. Each feature is clearly labeled and accessible, so users can quickly find what they need without feeling overwhelmed. In keeping with modern design principles, the thoughtful use of white space enhances readability and usability.
The dedicated community section encourages healthy social interactions. Integrating user-generated content alongside social sharing fosters a safe space that celebrates unique yet relatable experiences.
- App designed by Elizabeth Rhodes
- 200
- Industries:Arts & Recreation Content & News