Paack Minimal Homepage

From the earliest of artists to those of the present era, creativity has presented thousands of unique and otherwise unknown personalities to the world. Paack is a website dedicated to introducing a French freelance artist that specializes in digital design projects from typography and branding to app design and packaging. A man of many talents, Nicholas Garcia uses Paack as a personal portfolio platform to bring his creativity to the world wide web.

Paack showcases the same features Garcia uses as his personal signature: clean, minimalist schematics with memorable type. Users are greeted by borderless pictures of the artist at work, and fonts are tiny and rounded to emphasize simplicity. This layout readily invites users to explore the page. When they do, new text floats into the page, and photos change in response to mouse movements. Scrolling down moves users across a surprising horizontal layout of additional featured projects, showcasing Garcia’s remarkable works directly on the home page.

Paack Minimal Website Design

Clicking into any thumbnail for a project leads users to a fullscreen experience of the portfolio samples. As users scroll down, the site moves vertically this time, and text or image reveals are delayed just a moment after the user’s eye lands on the page. Script is bold and relies on darker shades and differing heights to attract attention. The details are small, but significant for the overall user experience.

If users wander too far from their starting point, they can simply hover over the site logo. It moves back and forth, and a simple click returns users to the home page. By keeping text content to an absolute minimum and heavily relying on negative space and dynamic details, the site keeps a steady focus on the featured creative works. User interaction is encouraged through the simplest of movements, as well as through links to various social media sites. The overall site design skillfully avoids visual clutter and successfully invites users to experience everything this creative mind has to offer.

Paack is a minimal website design in the Arts & Recreation, Professional Services and Technology industries.