Yummly Gorgeous App Design

Yummly is an app designed to give users the opportunity to discover new recipes they’ll love, and to help them become more adventurous, competent cooks. Yummly claims to contain all the resources users need to improve their lives in the kitchen. It’s a bold claim -- but one the Yummly app experience certainly delivers on.

The Yummly app gets in on the personalization game by allowing users to favorite recipes they enjoyed. As the user saves favorite recipes, the app learns what they like and provides recommendations for other recipe ideas they may be interested in. This feature encourages users to engage with the app frequently, and provides a more rewarding experience the longer the user is a member of the site. It’s also an effective way to gain devoted members, rather than casual observers.

The Yummly app makes good use of photography, with large bold visuals as a key component of the overall experience. Videos are also included, so users can follow along at different steps of the preparation process without needing to stop to read wordy instructions.

The design of the app is refreshingly minimalist, especially when compared to some of the cluttered cooking sites that dominate the world of online recipes. Nutritional information accompanies each recipe and is demonstrated visually, so users can understand caloric information at a glance. A streamlined iconographical menu runs along the bottom of the screen, providing the app’s main means of navigation and an easy entry point in the key areas of the app.

Overall, Yummly offers a visually-inspired cooking experience that chefs of all levels can benefit from. Explore the best cooking app designs in our article.

Yummly is a gorgeous app design in the Food & Beverage industry.Â