Color is Sound Colorful Homepage

Color is Sound is an ethical British business. Fusing art, ethics, fashion, music, conceptual design, and stylistic innovation, Color is Sound sells ethical clothing and wall art inspired by some of the most influential music ever made.

It seems “Dare to be different” is the strong personality of the brand. It also becomes the foundational thought behind this web design. Likely driven by its name, the scheme of the colors throughout the site is exceptional. The meaning conveys by the visual grammar is something cool, daring, unique, and unorthodox. Alongside with the distinctive color formula is the minimal design concept, which is accomplished by the modern typeface and the format of the product presentation. One key to the beautiful delivery has to contributed to the precise setup of the product shootings. The identical presentation creates the visual order and balances the colors between the products and the colored backgrounds.

Color is Sound Colorful Product Page

In terms of the usability, it’s simple and straightforward. Hover to get a quick view, click to see the product detail or make a purchase. Visitors could get the overall ideas of their artistic creations by “Collections” page, which uses the color boldly and space well. 

On “Shop” page, the web experience is enhanced by the top filters and bottom paginations. The grid structure is modified into multiple width and height when filters apply. The free transformation breaks the visual boundary and varies the interface.

Color is Sound Colorful Website Design

Moreover, the web designer surely deserves the credit for thinking outside the box when it comes to the design for product detail page. The look and feel is cohesive, yet the detail page stands out by its unique approach and beautiful execution. It’s impressively compelling and engaging.

Color is Sound is a colorful website design in the E-commerce & Retail and Fashion & Beauty industries.