Brand Marketing Strategy Guide

Digital Marketing
Brand Marketing Strategy Guide
Article by Bisera Stankovska
Last Updated: November 08, 2023

A brand marketing strategy serves as a blueprint for a sturdy branding foundation.

Besides building customer loyalty, it helps set a firm apart from the competition in an oversaturated market.

Research shows that 46% of consumers say that they would pay more to brands they trust, making it vital to boost trust with the strategy.

A brand is the first picture that comes to a user's mind when they think about your professional services.

There’s a lot more to brand marketing strategy than the basics; let’s take a look at it:

What Is a Brand Marketing Strategy?

Brand strategy is a part of marketing that deals with how a brand builds rapport and favorability in the market. The goal is to be memorable to the audience and to stand out from the competitors.

In simpler terms, it means promoting the products by promoting the brand as a whole.

A well-crafted strategy affects all business aspects as it is linked to the customer’s needs, emotions, and the competitive nature of the market.

An ideal Brand strategy marketing must reflect multiple business aspects such as product development, marketing, office design, employee relations, and more.

This can be done by answering the following points:

  • Principles and values
  • Mission statement
  • Internal company culture and professional style
  • Audiences’ brand perception

Reflecting on these can clarify the strategy and make the offerings central and distinctive. It also requires shaping customer dynamics such as consumer preferences, pricing, and the pace and direction of innovation.

A study suggests that automation is rapidly changing the face of business branding. Brands must also leverage the right tools for brand communication, logo, website, and tagline.

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What Is the Difference Between Branding and Marketing?

Without a deeper understanding, the terms, branding and marketing can be used interchangeably. However, there is a striking difference between both.

Marketing is about building brand awareness and generating sales. Marketing refers to tactics used to communicate the identity, build relations, drive sales, and engage with the customers.

A strategy can be based on the following:

  • Target audience
  • Brand's primary goal
  • The brands’ definition of success

Getting these answers straight can define clear objectives. This helps to gauge the strategy’s success and track it.

As marketing is rapidly evolving with tools and channels, firms must be proactive with strategy implementation. Attracting different audience segments can be helpful.

Some proven marketing tactics include -

  • Podcasts
  • Content Strategy
  • Social Media
  • SEO Strategy
  • Native Ads and Paid Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Native Advertising

Branding is how brands want to position their image for their personality and offerings. This is a comprehensive approach to reaching the audience. Creating a marketing plan also requires brands to have solid branding.

This can dive deeper into aspects such as the logo, color scheme, typography, and a consistent style guide to breathe life into the brand. Besides the brand, audiences could also define the brand.

Apart from recognition, branding also ignites a distinct feeling about the brand.

Brands can set their business apart by striking the right balance between branding and digital marketing.

10 Essential Brand Strategy Steps

An excellent brand strategy goes beyond a logo, website, name, or product.

Here are the basic essential elements of a brand marketing strategy to help you know more:

Step #1: Consider the Overall Strategy

A solid strategy can make brand growth and scalability easy. Creating a thorough strategy boils down to figuring out the brand basics. This refers to finalizing the brand voice, character, look, and feel.

Being clear about the vision to the finest details helps you efficiently direct the brand to success.

Step #2: Identifying the Target Audience

The high-growth firm models function on a targeted audience, which leads to faster growth. Considering everyone as your audience is a huge mistake.

Analyzing the target audience requires time, effort, and resources. Thorough research allows segmentation and who should be targeted based on the brand’s core offering. This helps brands develop a refined tonality that strikes a chord with the audiences.

Deep research helps comprehend audiences’ pain points and perspectives. Analyzing how the brand is viewed lowers the marketing brand strategy risk.

This can be done by:

  • Understanding the target audience and why they trust you.
  • How it makes them feel
  • The problems the brand solves
  • The competitors
  • The brand story and its reason
  • The brands’ look, when personified

This can also be done by creating customer personas, which is a picture of an ideal customer. Building the customer persona is based on:

  • The age
  • Marital status
  • Occupation
  • Educational background
  • Why is the product or service needed

Step #3: Developing a Strong Brand Positioning

A brand positioning showcases how the brand differs from the competitors and why prospects should be your customers.

A positioning statement is around three to five sentences long and encapsulates the brand. It must align with realism and should showcase what it can deliver.

Step #4: Researching the Competitors

It's imperative to evaluate the competitors to one’s market position effectively.

Research establishes differentiating factors and the measures to differentiate them further.

Besides brand positioning, the research must be based on prices, plans, customer service, and more.

This ensures that the brand and its competitor’s actions don’t run parallel. Instead, it can be an incredible opportunity to identify gaps and track current market trends.

Step #5: Developing a Messaging Strategy

The messaging translates the brand positioning into visuals and messages to reach the audience. In simpler terms, it can be communicating a brand story engagingly. An engaging story with a character, conflict scenario, and resolution may help. This sparks interaction by striking a chord with them.

Your audiences go beyond prospects. They also include referral sources, influencers, and partnership opportunities.

While the core messaging may be the same, it can be tweaked for different platforms and audiences. This difference will emphasize key points and addresses pain points and challenges, which makes the communication relevant. Brands must also be well-versed in communication style to ensure consistency and cohesiveness.

This consistency in messaging leads to brand recognition and customer loyalty.

Step #6: Outline Branding Basics

A complete overhaul is necessary if the brand goes through a merger or the name isn’t suitable. The new elements can support and enhance the look and branding.

These basics can breathe life into the offerings, humanize them, and set it apart from the competitors. It should be based on how well it communicates to the audience.

It should be seamless and easy to understand so that prospects aren’t left struggling to fit the pieces of your brand. Rather refining the process can make things easier.

Step #7: Creating a Brand Guideline

If old tactics don’t work, don’t be afraid to implement a new one. You can choose a thorough revamp or add rebranding aspects and consider connecting them to the branding fabric.

A brand guideline covers brand tonality, colors, and language. It helps designers, marketers, and writers in their daily operations and to deliver the message consistently.

A study shows that consistent brand presentation increases revenue by as much as 23%. Hence, regardless of the vertical, consistency portrays the brand professionally.

Consider focusing on the customer’s psychology to maintain a strong bond and makes them feel heard. Triggering emotions such as love, affection, and belonging helps create a more profound connection on an emotional level.

Step #8: Creating a Content Marketing Strategy

The perfect content marketing strategy must align with the professional services, making it crucial to consider if traditional methods are working.

Brands should attract and nurture leads with educational, informative, and engaging content.

This builds brand reputation, awareness, and visibility, ensuring resilience in changing times. This ensures that the content remains relevant to the audience.

Step #9: Refining the Website

A website is the first aspect audiences see when browsing the internet. A polished website paints a comprehensive picture of the brand’s operations, offerings, and differentiating factor. A redundant and outdated website can lead to a poor impression.

A website can also be a repository for valuable content that can portray brands as industry experts. This content can be showcased to audiences with a solid SEO strategy.

This valuable content may include:

  • Case studies
  • Blogs
  • Videos
  • Visual content such as infographics, videos, and others
  • Testimonials and more

Step #10: Tracking and Metrics

A winning strategy means nothing if it isn’t implemented well.

However, planning and implementation are two different things. As the plan is implemented, it is crucial to track changes immediately. This could be monitoring if the objectives, such as the defined traffic and leads metrics are met.

Moreover, long-term goals are essential compared to short-term stints. Tracking is also beneficial to analyze performance and outline future goals with digital campaigns.

This can also be done with A/B testing to see what works and what doesn’t.

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Why Is Brand Marketing Important?

In addition to the above benefits, a brand marketing strategy helps navigate through a complicated process and get the basic tactics right. Keeping an eye on the current trends is imperative to resonate with the target audience.

Besides brand development, branding also helps with business development.

Expert Insights on Brand Marketing Strategy

We asked relevant branding experts from top agencies: "What is the most essential part of any successful brand marketing strategy?"

Here is what they said.

  1. Alignment
  2. Alignment + Omnichannel Approach + Social Media Presence
  3. Consistency
  4. Building Trust and Loyalty
  5. Distinctive Brand Identity
  6. An Authentic Story
  7. Knowing Your Why
  8. Understanding of Your Target Audience

1. Alignment

Jason Moyer of Create Element:

A brand must ensure its voice, visuals, values, and user experience are all in sync to connect with its audience and succeed in the digital world. To achieve consistency, brands must keep all communications and actions aligned with their core message and promise.

The result is a loyal customer base that knows, trusts, and supports your brand. This approach of focusing on interconnectedness is a powerful competitive edge, whether for startups or established companies.

2. Alignment + Omnichannel Approach + Social Media Presence

Joseph Rothstein of Social Media 55:

Alignment ensures that every element of your brand is consistent and resonates with your target audience. This consistency builds customer trust, reliability, and recognition.

An omnichannel approach creates a seamless and cohesive brand presence across all platforms - social media, websites, emails, mobile apps, and physical stores.

To align your social media presence with your brand strategy, understand your audience's preferences, tailor your content to them, and maintain consistency in your messaging and visuals.

In conclusion, brand marketing strategy is not just about flashy logos or catchy slogans but consistency, alignment, and embracing an omnichannel approach.

3. Consistency

Shubhra Bhargava of Excal Designs:

Successful branding requires a long-term commitment to consistent messages, aesthetics, tone, and language in your marketing strategy. Consistency makes brands recognizable and helps maintain trust and loyalty with the target customer base.

The uniformity should be evident across all campaigns. Ensure that the tone and message in your marketing materials align with your brand values and goals, and fulfill the promises made in your marketing campaigns to meet consumer expectations.

4. Building Trust and Loyalty

Mustafa Sakib of OS Digital World:

Consistency is an essential part of successful branding. It helps create a solid and memorable brand identity, which builds trust, recognition, loyalty and emotional connection with your target audience.

To achieve consistency:

  • Develop brand guidelines
  • Ensure your team follows them
  • Use technology to ensure consistency
  • Regularly review and update
  • Monitor and listen customer feedback

As your brand evolves, integrate changes into your branding strategy to maintain overall integrity and recognition.

5. Distinctive Brand Identity

Jennifer Bagley, CEO of CI Web Group

"At the core of a successful brand marketing strategy is a meticulously developed, distinctive brand identity encompassing elements like the company's name, logo, messaging, tone, and visual style.This defined brand identity not only sets the business apart from competitors but also establishes trust and credibility with customers. It fosters loyalty, ensuring continued patronage and a seamless customer journey.

Moreover, our experience shows that a robust brand identity functions as a potent marketing tool, effectively conveying the company’s core message and values to its target audience.In essence, this well-defined brand identity isn't just a label; it's a promise. It guarantees a consistent, memorable experience for every customer interaction."

6. An Authentic Story

Steve Ice, Owner of Binary Glyph Media

"A critical factor in successful brand marketing is telling an authentic story that resonates with your audience. You can achieve this by blending heartfelt storytelling with data analysis. Create compelling stories tailored to your target audience's emotions and desires. Here's an example: In one of our client campaigns, we tested different story elements and monitored how they affected engagement. This allowed us to fine-tune the narrative to achieve a 12% increase in customer conversions. The focus must be on storytelling and crafting a strategic narrative that connects with your audience on an emotional level. Choose each word and visual carefully to ensure that every emotion strikes a chord, propelling your brand into the hearts and minds of your customers with precision and resonance."

7. Knowing Your Why

Megan Killion – Chief Consultant MKC Agency

"Doing the prework. We all want beautiful brands that represent us, but often times founders/owners are resistant to brand building exercises because they require deep focus time and reflection. I love a “visionary” persona that has a million ideas and wants to act on them FAST, but you really do have to SLOW DOWN and ask yourself “what’s my why?”

Your brand should tell a story, and for most founders that story is deeply personal. What made you jump? And then as you grew, why did your team jump onboard? What values unite you as a team to work towards a shared vision? What does the company look like next year? In 3? In 5? In 10? If you don’t know the answer to these types of formative questions, no agency on earth can create a resonating brand."

8. Understanding of Your Target Audience

Henrique Paranhos, CEO of WEbrand Agency

"The most crucial element of any successful brand marketing strategy is a comprehensive understanding of your target audience. It goes beyond demographics and dives into psychographics, behaviors, and needs. When you truly grasp what makes your audience tick, you can tailor your messaging and approach to resonate on a deeper level. This creates a profound connection, fosters brand loyalty, and ultimately drives business growth. To do this effectively, conduct thorough market research, engage with your customers for feedback, and refine your strategy as needed. This audience-centric focus should be the bedrock upon which all other marketing efforts are built, ensuring your brand remains relevant and influential in a dynamic market landscape."

Brand Marketing Strategy – Key Takeaways

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel for each brand marketing strategy. A way to ace it is to take cues from the market leaders and build or polish one’s strategy. However, it should be noted to refrain from inconsistencies and abrupt changes not to create surprises for audiences.

The right tools and digital marketing strategy consultants and digital marketing companies can help create the desired results. However, implementing this strategy doesn’t promise overnight success. Brands must spend sufficient time, money, and resources to drive rewarding results.

The best branding companies can help you be on your way toward making a sustainable and successful brand marketing strategy.

We’ll find qualified branding agencies for your project, for free.
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