Natural Parks of Kakheti Stunning Packaging Design

Walk into any liquor store, browse the wine section, and you will notice several unique wine labels and packaging designs. Natural Parks of Kakheti is no exception. This packaging is chic and attention-grabbing, letting it stand out from the crowd. 


Natural Parks of Kakheti Elegant Packaging Design

This label shows that the are where the wine was made is an environmentally friendly region. The area of Kakheti is home to rare animals, mountains and valleys, rivers, and forests -- all of which are depicted through in the black and white illustration. 


Natural Parks of Kakheti Vintage Packaging Design

The woodcut-style illustrations focus on wildlife and foliage within the region, which tells the story of the wine's origin. Each wine bottle pairs a rare animal with landscape elements to create a piece of art.

Natural Parks of Kakheti Packaging Design

The black and white images appear on a textured white label. The only color is the gold type and the logo mark at the top of the bottle around the cork wrap, which adds an air of luxury. 

Natural Parks of Kakheti is a stunning packaging design in the Food & Beverage industry.