- 404
- About Page
- Black and White
- Blog
- Book App
- Check Out Page
- Clean / Minimal
- Colorful
- Contact Page
- Corporate
- Experimental
- Footer
- Form
- Fullscreen
- Horizontal Layout
- Illustrated
- Images / Gallery
- Inspiring
- Landing Page
- Masthead
- Menu
- Microinteractions
- Motion Effects
- Parallax Effects
- Personal
- Photographer
- Podcast
- Pop Ups
- Portfolio
- Pregnancy
- Pro-loaders
- Product Listing Page
- Purple
- Services Page
- Slider / Module
- Small Business
- Soft Colors
- Sound / Music
- Storytelling
- Typography
- Unusual Layout
- Use of Infographics
- User-Friendly
- UX Designs
- Visible Borders
- Webflow
- Advertising
- Aerospace
- Agriculture
- Architecture
- Arts & Recreation
- Automotive
- Banking & Finance
- Content & News
- Digital Agencies
- Distribution
- E-Commerce & Retail
- Education
- Engineering
- Entertainment
- Fashion & Beauty
- Film Production Company
- Food & Beverage
- Games and Entertainment
- Government
- Health & Wellness
- Hospitality
- Jewelry
- Legal & Insurance
- Luxury
- Manufacturing
- Medical & Pharmacy
- Museum
- Music
- News Magazine
- Non-Profit
- Professional Services
- Real Estate
- Restaurant
- Roofing
- Sports & Leisure
- Tech Startup
- Technology
- Travel
- Wedding Planning
- Zoo
Welcome to Fantasy, where everything you’ve dreamed for your business becomes a reality. A marketing firm, all of your design needs are something they can create to meet your business needs.
Simplicity is the basis of your introduction to Fantasy. As you scroll, the homepage is broken down into five segments. Faded deep into the background, each area of the page is combined with its own photograph. The black and white coloring is so pale, each image is barely recognizable. It adds variety to help you tell the sections apart. Bold and black lettering dominates the sections to give you a brief insight as to what Fantasy can do.
The minimal approach allows for Fantasy to let their work speak for itself. With a dynamically large client base, the names will speak volumes as you make your way to the company’s portfolio.
The page is filled with a side-by-side table where the vibrant coloring jumps off the page at you. Solid colors make the client logos stand out. The more you scroll, the more names you recognize! It’s a playfully colorful way to familiarize yourself with Fantasy’s huge clientele!
Scrolling with you as you go, the company makes it easy for you to find portfolio projects comparable to yours by offering a simplified menu that follows you. The basic illustrations coordinate with a set of projects on the page. Click one and it’ll move you down the page. The brilliant choice gives you the chance to dive into portfolio pieces that resemble what you need. You get the chance to see what Fantasy could do for you.
Ready to bring Fantasy into your life to make a difference? The highly contrasted page relies on black and white to show you everything you need while still tossing a splash of red into the page for variety. The most impressive feature? You get the chance to keep tabs on not one, but two offices! Follow the times in both San Francisco and New York through the two clocks on the page. It’s a quirky and fun way to bring you closer to the company.
Fantasy specializes in creating user experiences that aim to impress. Their website brings together vibrant coloring with a simple approach to visually stimulate users as they take in every dynamic aspect of the website.
Fantasy is a beautiful website design in the Advertising, Arts & Recreation and Professional Services industries.