Anchour Clean Homepage

Anchour is a brand focused and ad Driven digital design agency that focuses on developing powerful brand materials, and working from there. The text in the center of this home page perfectly speaks their mission, “We build impactful brands.” This phrase informs all of the design themes throughout the page and the entire site.

In the background we see a cinematic video of a man building something out of wood, and everywhere in the site we see branding and the use of positive image association. The video of the man woodworking for example, when associated with Anchour, makes the company out to be hard working, meticulous, and dedicated. This simple branding trick informs the entire UX, which is largely centered on branding and the visual impact these brands have on users.

Anchour Clean Website Design

This portfolio page brings that impact, by consuming mass quantities of the frame and bulging with color and material quality. The branded rectangles pop out at you and assert their brand as supreme. Each functions as a contained environment of graphic elements that evoke the brand’s particular image.

This interface creates a user experience that is entirely informed by the power of brand. Users are made clearly, aware of this company’s brand design competency and experience this ability first hand. They can click on any heading to read more about the brand and see how Anchour transformed their image a professional style. This deep end investigation into the sprawling power of brand continually reinforces Anchour’s position as a brand Driven design agency.

Anchour Clean Portfolio Page

This page takes a subtle but equally impactful approach to showcasing Anchour’s portfolio. By stripping the brands back a bit into largely just their logo and color scheme, this designer has made a UX that shows how masterful they are at creating impactful brands. Whether it's looking at the comprehensive brand environments of the page prior or the minimal icons here, Anchour makes multiplicitous and consistently impactful brands.

Anchour is a top website design in the Advertising and Professional Services industries.