Mendo Clean Homepage

Suppose you were given the following equation: a bookshop asks you to create their web design. Not only that they are a one of a kind store with walls made of books instead of bricks, but they handpick every book themselves. People rely on them to select the finest and most relevant ones. 

How do you translate that into a website that offers the best possible experience? 

That’s a tough one, right?

Well, the creative geniuses behind Mendo managed to create an award-winning website that truly delivers a unique user experience.

Mendo Clean Website Design

When it comes to great web design, a few elements can make or break a platform. Function and intuitive navigation are at the top of the list. Mendo not only has a logical site structure and excellent functionality, but its minimalistic, flat design is emphasized through great imagery. From the moment you land on their homepage you get a taste of the rich content that you are about to experience. Short and snappy copy is paired with visually-appealing images in a layout that transit from one column to two and even three with grace and without disturbing your experience.

Mendo Clean Image Display

The images under each book page give an experience similar to flipping the pages of a real book but without the cliché animation of turning pages that we’ve seen on more online book shops than we can count. The web designers that built Mendo went one step further and rounded the corners of each image by removing one pixel. Not only that, but they’ve also managed to mimic a book cover by adding a folding line on the left-hand side. 

Mendo Clean Search Function

One of the things that makes Mendo stand out is that they’ve paired the search function with a sophisticated algorithm. Whenever you click on a book, not only that you get information about the number of pages, language, release date, and weight, but you can also see how big the book you’re about to purchase, is. The “How big is this” button allows you to compare the book with an apple, a slice of pizza or a pair of glasses. This little gimmick adds a bit of humor to a website that is, otherwise, high-end.

Mendo Clean Product Design

Unlike other online bookstores where the content is stacked below each other, on Mendo, every book gets the proverbial 15 minutes of fame. Whenever you click on a book, you land on a page that is fine-tuned to the particularities of that edition. The background color matches the overall pallet of the book color. Moreover, every book is shot from a 45-degree angle with the source of light always coming from the same side.

Mendo is a top website design in the Arts & Recreation, E-commerce & Retail, Education and Entertainment industries.