Gear Patrol Clean Homepage

Gear Patrol is a massive, tech news aggregator that focuses on expanding gear culture and providing expansive product to its users. They have built a brand on glorifying technology, maximizing the appearance of their product. Gear Patrol’s home page emphasizes both of these endeavors by highlighting the power and splendor of technology. The image of a powerful vehicle, roaring through the natural world and catching the fiery sunlight on its back, calls to mind the power of technology. It deifies and magnifies the presence of the company’s brand and technology’s magnificence. It establishes Gear Patrol as the place to find not just technology, but also pieces of equipment that exist in a pantheon all their own. The designer has composed a design that speaks to the wonder of technology and, by association, the company itself.

Gear Patrol Clean Website Design

Gear Patrol upholds this techno worship with the function of their site, as well. For example, their news section continually updates users about modern tech and the culture surrounding it. Here, users are provided with a continuous stream of content that further immerses them in this gadget culture. By providing a news feed like this, the designer has effectively communicated that Gear Patrol is the foremost voice in their field. It provides a way for the company to continually engage with users in a way that also reinforces their brand.

Gear Patrol Clean News Page

The last page is another stream of content that takes a different approach to creating the same experience as that of the news page. Gear Patrol’s blog is known as “Today in Gear,” and it serves as yet another way for this company to keep attuned to their users. It breaks tech news, and it reinforces Gear Patrol as the premiere voice on the subject. The designer has created a layout that communicates Gadget Patrol’s lofty view of their product, establishing them as masters of the technology.

Gear Patrol is a top website design in the Sports & Leisure, Technology and Travel industries.