Momento - GIF Maker Sleek App Design

Is there anything better than a good GIF? Momento makes it easy for users to create their own GIFs anytime, anywhere through their mobile app.

The Momento app automatically imports photos from the user’s photo library and turns them into GIFs without any effort on the user’s part. Users can also create GIFs directly through the Momento interface, so they snap GIFs on the spot.

After a GIF is created is when things really get fun. Momento has tons of options for customization. Users can add filters, stickers, and effects to their GIF. From the editing screen they can also trim the GIF to the desired length, adjust speed and direction, and add text overlay. There’s even an option to add AR effects like falling snow or bouncing balloons on top of a GIF.

Navigation of the Momento app is handled through a tabbed menu that runs along the bottom of the screen, represented by minimalist iconography and helper text. The overall design of the app could also be described as minimalist, with most of the visual focus put on the GIFs themselves, and on highlighting key functionality. The palette is white and grey with a bright blue accent color, used to orient the user within the navigation.

Momento’s user interface is sleek and functional, allowing users to accomplish tasks intuitively. A robust feature set and the breadth of customizations make the app a worthwhile download for users keen to create something fun from their everyday images.

Momento - GIF Maker is a sleek app design in the Arts & Recreation and Entertainment industries.Â