Citylink Top App Design

CityLink manages toll roads in Australia and the United States, so they created an easy-to-use app to allow people who use their toll roads to manage their billing and accounts on-the-go.

Citylink Simple App Design

With the app, users are able to manage prepaid amounts, connected credit cards, and payments. The app is made to be as clean and simple as possible. The user’s balance is displayed at the top of the main screen, and there is a simple “slide” tool which allows users to quickly reload their account from their credit card.

Citylink Clean App Design

Changes in the color of the text displaying a user’s balance display denotes things like low balances. Again, this helps the app feel simple and intuitive. The yellow color, for example, immediately tells the user that their account balance is low, and they can take action very quickly.

Citylink App Design

Users are also able to see their account details and manage their settings right on their smartphone. They can even get customer service right through the app.

Clearly, CityLink put an emphasis on the user experience. They want customers to be able to easily manage their account and payments without much time required. After all, this is an app for toll roads. People are never excited to have to drive on a toll road, so it makes sense for the app to be clean, uncluttered, and user-friendly. CityLink has made paying your bills feel more fun than ever!

Citylink is a best app design in the professional services and travel industries.