Marco Polo Hotel Beautiful Homepage

Planning a trip can be a frustrating one, especially if the website you are using is outdated and not intuitive. But should you happen to plan a vacation in the heart of the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia, then you are in luck.

As you start off, you'll notice the website has beautiful full-width photography. The navigation stretches across the top of the page and also down the right hand side of the main image. What i like about this site is that the links are personal to the type of vacation you are looking for. Broken up into three categories, you can choose an “Experience,” to “Relax,” or stay for “Business.”

Marco Polo Hotel Beautiful Website Design

Interesting and relevant items are included in the main header, such as, the current outside tempreture, language selector of the site, property cameras showing live feeds, as well as contact information.

The simplicity of the homepage is brilliant. Hover over any of the links within the main image and that image reacts and shows relevant photography.

Marco Polo Hotel Beautiful Booking Forms Design

Ready to book from the homepage? A clear call to action to book now is placed in the top right hand of the image, and upon clicking this, opens a window that allows you to select your arrival and departure dates, number of rooms, adults and children, as well as any promo codes.

Marco Polo Hotel Beautiful Contact Page

Large fonts make the text easy to read, and the simplistic design make it easy to navigate and book a room. A contact link opens up the relevant information you need to contact the hotel as well as showing the exact location on the map.

Marco Polo Hotel is a beautiful website design in the Luxury, Sports & Leisure and Travel industries.