Locus Solus by Gae Aulenti - Exteta Colorful Homepage

Though she made her mark as an architect, Gae Aulenti also designed interiors, furniture, theater sets, and graphics. She launched her first outdoor collection — Locus Solus — for Poltronova in 1964. Now, a licensing agreement between the late architect’s archive and Exteta has resulted in the re-release of the colorful, irreverent pieces.

To feature these products, the web design took an abnormal approach. Instead of picking the background color that could set off the products, the designer chose the same color as the tubular steel from the product — blue, green, yellow, orange, or white. The amazing part is this color strategy actually works; the unique approach makes the products more powerful and memorable.

Locus Solus by Gae Aulenti - Exteta Colorful Website Design

When user's view the collection, it appears as a circular design, almost like the concept of a clock. It rotates automatically; however, users can also control the view by dragging the dot. The transition is also formed by multiple circles -- the bullseye sign and the rounded elements from the products might be the inspiration. When users dig into each product details, the strong color effect emboldens. 

Locus Solus by Gae Aulenti - Exteta is a colorful website design in the Arts & Recreation and Manufacturing industries.