- 404
- About Page
- Black and White
- Blog
- Book App
- Check Out Page
- Clean / Minimal
- Colorful
- Contact Page
- Corporate
- Experimental
- Footer
- Form
- Fullscreen
- Horizontal Layout
- Illustrated
- Images / Gallery
- Inspiring
- Landing Page
- Masthead
- Menu
- Microinteractions
- Motion Effects
- Parallax Effects
- Personal
- Photographer
- Podcast
- Pop Ups
- Portfolio
- Pregnancy
- Pro-loaders
- Product Listing Page
- Purple
- Services Page
- Slider / Module
- Small Business
- Soft Colors
- Sound / Music
- Storytelling
- Typography
- Unusual Layout
- Use of Infographics
- User-Friendly
- UX Designs
- Visible Borders
- Webflow
- Advertising
- Aerospace
- Agriculture
- Architecture
- Arts & Recreation
- Automotive
- Banking & Finance
- Content & News
- Digital Agencies
- Distribution
- E-Commerce & Retail
- Education
- Engineering
- Entertainment
- Fashion & Beauty
- Film Production Company
- Food & Beverage
- Games and Entertainment
- Government
- Health & Wellness
- Hospitality
- Jewelry
- Legal & Insurance
- Luxury
- Manufacturing
- Medical & Pharmacy
- Museum
- Music
- News Magazine
- Non-Profit
- Professional Services
- Real Estate
- Restaurant
- Roofing
- Sports & Leisure
- Tech Startup
- Technology
- Travel
- Wedding Planning
- Zoo
Nooklyn is an apartment search tool that allows prospective renters to browse a comprehensive collection of rental properties available in the Brooklyn area of NYC. The service focuses on ease of use, creating a search experience that conveys a sense of personalization and user control.
Nooklyn’s home page uses stunning illustration and vast iconography to visually convey their particular brand. The illustrated scene in the background transmits a home-y image that is friendly, playful, and inviting. Additionally, throughout the page there are clickable words that allow users to seamless tailor the search with more specific metrics and criteria.
Lastly, users are able to enter a dollar range for their monthly rent, and Nooklyn’s technology takes over from there. The designer has done an incredible job creating the perfect graphic interface for Nooklyn. It paints the company as a personal tool for finding a lovely, welcoming home in the otherwise harsh environment of Brooklyn.
Once users launch their specific search, they’ll be brought to a page like this, which visually and graphically maps out the locations they can afford. The map to the right is interactive, allowing users to see the location of their potential property up close or from a distance. To the left, they can see their options and their respective interiors. The two panels work in unison to create a full, real estate shopping experience. You can see the street, the neighborhood, the location, and the interior all from the comfort of your home.
If a user believes that they’ve found a property they like, they can click on the listing and explore the interior in more detail. At the top of the page, there is a sliding selection of interior photographs, showing off the quality of each listing. At the bottom, there is a small scroll of information and an underscoring body of text that each provide detailed information about the property and landlord. This final page in the user’s experience has been expertly designed to provide all of the most relevant information. In text and photo, users can see their future home and feel truly immersed within its walls. The designer clearly understands how to best recreate the real estate shopping experience in the digital world, and they did so with masterful ease.
Nooklyn is a clean website design in the Professional Services and Real Estate industries.
- Industries:Professional Services Real Estate
- Tags:Images / Gallery Slider / Module