DITTO Creative Homepage

DITTO is an augmented reality visualization technology that allows an individual to digitally visualize a pair of glasses on their own face before purchasing or ordering the frames. The company has discerned a place in the market as high-tech and beyond human. This home page properly illustrates this market niche through a void color palette, sleek lighting effects, and high-end typography.

The steely gaze and lighting present on the face of the individual in the frame pierces through the eyes of the user and gives the man, a futuristic look. The black background creates a monolithic aesthetic that furthers this space age and virtual connotation. The typography is blocky and modern, textualizing DITTO’s mantra, “Game Changing Innovation.” This text, combined with the visual elements of the page, creates an entirely futuristic and speculatively digital aesthetic to reinforce DITTO’s brand and market niche.

DITTO Graphic Interface Design

This graphic interface modifies and continues to develop the site’s futuristic and digital market niche. The hard lines and thin density, alongside the vacant color palette, makes the site feel like it’s occupying an uncanny and indiscernible virtual space.

It almost looks like it exists in the coding panel of a computer console. It’s this continued vacancy and definition-less aura that creates an aesthetically virtual space that synergizes with the nature of DITTO’s service and the brand they’ve established for themselves.


DITTO Creative Website Design

This testimonial page continues to modify their same market niche, now introducing a more content-oriented endorsement of their services. Here they list, in the same aesthetic style as always, several endorsements from industry leaders that continue to buttress their thus far visual-branded claims. This page essentially brings the meat behind the window dressing of the site’s aesthetic. Up to this point, the site has evoked a sense that DITTO is technically wondrous and virtually masterful. Now, they’ve provided several endorsements that testify to the supremacy of their technology. This is an example of how designers can make a powerful brand argument with both visual and textual information.

DITTO is a creative website design in the Fashion & Beauty and Technology industries.