Canada Goose Beautiful Homepage
Article by Rizza Del Castillo
Last Updated: January 07, 2025

Canada Goose is one of the most trusted names in winterwear. Through their long heritage as a brand, they’ve developed a reputation for excellence that they’ve masterfully interpreted into their web platform.

Opening to a central image feature striking red, black, and white colors, Canada Goose’s home page is bold. White text overlaying the image reads, “Shaped By 60 Winters,” highlighting the brand’s long legacy, enhancing brand credibility.

Canada Goose may be known as the warmest jacket in the game, but that doesn’t mean that they neglect style. On their home page, fashion images dominate, keeping text to a bare minimum and leaving virtually no negative space. Fashion photography on the home page feature models wearing Canada Goose stylings in both city and nature settings, showcasing the versatility of the brand. The same white, sans serif typeface and striking nature scenery pervade the web page, cultivating brand cohesion.

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Canada Goose Beautiful About Page

The image heavy formatting of the home page is reflected in their other pages too. On the history page, photographs tracing the brand’s history dominate the page with minimal white copy superimposed on top. Not only do the images highlight the brand’s long heritage, they also showcase their major accomplishments and positive social impact.

Canada Goose Beautiful Website Design

In 2017, Canada Goose launched a new product line, knitwear. Reflecting this new development, their web designers paid extra mind to spotlight the new line, with one of the first images on the home page linking to this line.

The landing page for the knitwear delivers a thoughtful combination of video, animation, sliders, and high-resolution photography to create a multimedia marketing experience. The campaign video is a particular highlight, showing bold images conveying the labor-intensive process of creating knitwear, cultivating a sense of luxury around the product.

Canada Goose has long been a favorite for explorers and winter athletes. While paying mind to their heritage, the Canada Goose website uses bold colors and striking fashion images to create the image of a luxurious, yet reliable brand.

Canada Goose is beautiful website design in the E-commerce & Retail, Fashion & Beauty and Sports & Leisure industries.

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Rizza Del Castillo
Content Specialist
Rizza Del Castillo leverages 15 years of expertise in crafting content that educates, informs, and provides actionable insights. She has published 100+ pieces, with many achieving first-page rankings on search engine results, for online creative marketplaces and renowned brands like Zing Toys, Stikbot Channel, crowdspring, and MemberPress. Currently at DesignRush, she harnesses her diverse experience and a dash of geekery to create content on web, app, video designs, and more.